

It’s been a few days since my esophageal scope. That went as… unexpected. The doc found cells in my tract that aren’t normally found in your tract. So… he took three biopsies while he was in there. Thank goodness for what I call the Michael Jackson drug… sad that the drug is widely known as that but it is what it is. Bottom half of my body hurts, now the other orifice is sore too…

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Hopefully it helps

Originally posted 2021-08-20 09:00:00. I have been having lots of pain, more specifically nerve pain. I have had to take more of my Neurontin because of it. Thing that I absolutely despise about this medication is the side effect of weight gain. I have done trigger point injections to try and get some relief but the latest one didn’t bring much relief. So, now we are going to try an epidural to help. I can’t…

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Iced Donut

This surgery seems to start off a bit different. Now… this may be too much info but majority of my netheregions is purple. This is what I have to sit on to be semi comfortable. I didn’t realize I needed to relive having a monthly cycle. 😩 I have cramps without the rest of it. I’m not exactly sure why I have cramps. I mean they moved my bladder I get it but the cramps…

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6 week update

Originally posted 2020-02-28 09:00:00. Had my 6 week back surgery appointment this week. So far it looks like everything is healing like it should be. My nerves that were previously compressed have seemed to start healing. I am unable to tell which nerves were affected versus weren’t affected. Where I stated before that I had started to have numbness on the top of my foot where it previously was more on the bottom. The doctor…

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Dreary Day

It would happen to rain three straight days. I went to both my pre-op appointments on Friday and found out that someone mistakenly told me I could continue to take the naproxen and aspirin. I smell like eucalyptus lol. I have used my cbd muscle rub alot more today. I knew something didn’t seem right about that. I have never had anyone tell me that I could take them prior to surgery. My surgeon is…

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Never have I ever

Yesterday the anesthesia nurse for my upcoming surgery called for the pre-surgery instructions. Nothing out of the ordinary until she started telling me what medications I needed to stop and ones I could continue taking. My diabetes medication is normally not taken the morning of the surgery. Pretty normal. But she also said not to take it the day before as well. Now this was new to me. My diabetes is controlled so it shouldn’t…

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Not again

Being my next surgery is May 31st I just need a little break. Now Saoirse needs to try and rest the “good” back leg since that leg takes the brunt of her weight in the back. Now we have been questioning whether we should have went ahead and had that bad leg amputated in the beginning. Is she going to be one of those dogs you see running over people’s feet with their wheelchair? They…

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July 7th 2014

Originally posted 2014-07-07 18:33:37. You know there are days when I just want to give it all up and others that I can’t get enough. The life I was given I sure has its meanings. I just for once would like not to struggle…just once. I realize there are so many people who have been dealt a bad hand and others don’t even use their own. Some that think mommy and daddy are they forever…

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All Buttered Up

Yesterday was one of those days that you just want it to hurry up and be over. I took Chewy out so many times I ended up with over 10,000 steps being accumulated. I knew he needed to poop but every time I took him out something distracted him and then he seemed to forget he had to poop. Was yesterday a full moon or something? Or was it something in the air that just…

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