
Scar Tissue

Originally posted 2020-11-16 09:00:17. Since I haven’t been able to get an appointment with my favorite massage therapist since the beginning of 2020 I had to find something to help. I won this Wonder Maxi massage gun in one of Adoption First Animal Rescue’s fundraising raffles. I started working on areas that never seem to get enough time. My midsection, my stomach. I have had so many surgeries and alot of them have been in my…

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Week one

Originally posted 2022-05-29 16:55:02. Baby steps. I’m home from the hospital and making progress. When I was first rolled out of the OR I remember them covering my shoulders with lots of ice packs. It was to ease the swelling in my shoulders. They had to pull my arms and shoulders down and back so they could get to my neck the way they needed. My shoulders hurt like a mf’r when I started waking…

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Total V

Get ready for a whole new you with Total V, a trio of vaginal exercisers that’ll help you crush your vaginal fitness goals. Beginner or not, anyone can work towards a stronger pelvic floor with three graduated weights: 55g, 75g, and 95g, plus a free, daily routine that’s quick and simple so it fits into any busy schedule. Use these exercisers with a water-based lubricant for optimal comfort and get your workouts in for total…

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A few weeks

Originally posted 2022-05-03 16:45:53. As of today my surgery date has been set. It’s May 23rd. I have to do all the normal preoperative tests and what not. Then the Friday before the surgery, which is on a Monday, I have to stop by the surgeon’s office for them to mark me. I am not exactly sure what that means unless it is marking the area that will be fused. I am wondering if it…

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Originally posted 2020-09-12 17:36:51. Late last night Leia went out to use the bathroom. On her way back in something happened. As she walked in the house further she spilled more blood. She bled the rest of the night while my husband and I took turns watching her. I called an emergency veterinary clinic but the person I spoke with didn’t exactly give me that comforting feeling everything would be ok. So first thing this…

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Hardest Hour

Originally posted 2022-04-28 11:16:59. I had the an appointment with the cranial surgeon yesterday. It was to discuss the changes that have occurred since starting physical therapy. Well more like what happened after seeing the therapist one time. I explained to the surgeon how when I am horizontal it doesn’t seem be nearly as bad. But when I am vertical, that’s when it seems to get worse. It pain and burning sensations seem to crawl…

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There’s a leak

These past few weeks have been crazy. Since getting out of the hospital I have been on a scheduled medication every four hours. I have been waiting for an appointment the see the surgeon (again). Not only the neurosurgeon but the surgeon that will be doing the ankle replacement. That appointment had to get postponed since the other issue showed up recently. I imagine that I will end up having to have another spinal fusion…

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Other day another holler

Originally posted 2022-04-21 13:39:22. This is an update to my Monday post painful evaluation. It’s Thursday afternoon at 1:11pm. I’m sitting in my recliner with an ice block unevenly situated on my cervical spine best way I know how. I have been feeling semi miserable since Monday and it just seems as if the guy irritated the shit out of something in there and it’s not getting any better. It sucks because I felt no…

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Spayed and confused

Originally posted 2020-09-05 01:57:07. I got a call around 9:30 am Friday morning. The veterinarian’s office wanted to see if Leia (the female stray) had eaten anything yet. She hadn’t eaten yet. We were on the cancelation waitlist for her to be spayed. They asked if I wanted to bring her in as they had a cancelation. She is now home and been spayed. Thankfully she wasn’t pregnant but the veterinarian believes she had a…

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