It’s been a few days since my esophageal scope.
That went as… unexpected.
The doc found cells in my tract that aren’t normally found in your tract.
So… he took three biopsies while he was in there.
Thank goodness for what I call the Michael Jackson drug… sad that the drug is widely known as that but it is what it is.
Bottom half of my body hurts, now the other orifice is sore too uhhhh.
Too bad I couldn’t have used a product I sell to numb it up so it wouldn’t be so sore. 😉
Anywhore… the weekend consisted of my having extra bling around my neck.
I had a device like thing placed inside my body that recorded the pH levels on my stomach and tract.
It is called Bravo pH monitoring.
The thing inside of me starts recording when you press a button if you cough, have regurgitation from acid reflux, or burp.
You press a different button if you have chest pain or pressure and another for heartburn.
There is also a button for it to record when you are lying down.
It is on a strap you where around your neck as it is wirelessly connected to the capsule inside of you.
The capsule will be pooped about in about 7 days (according to the info).
It will alert you if it is too far away from you. Which it seemed to do alot of that especially while lying down. The dang thing was on my nightstand and maybe a foot away from my stomach so it should have been close enough to read the capsule.
The dang thing would beep while I was sleep too so I am glad the study is over and hope I don’t have to do it again.
He also put me on a new medicine that we had to pay cash for until they work out what is needed to satisfy the insurance company’s requirements to cover it.
One thing that is kind of bugging me is that my Ma (my mom’s mother) had cancer.
Her cancer started in her esophagus. Now, I do not know anymore details about that I just know where is started and that is spread.
So that kind of has me a little freaked.
The pathology results should be back by next week I hope.
So needless to say my anxiety level will be a bit more this week until I know the results.
I am praying this isn’t as bad as it sounds I just need an answer for the dang acid reflux problem I have been having recently. It hasn’t been a problem for long.
It seems like it has been less than six months since I started having issues that can’t seem to be resolved easily.
I had to get my primary doc to call in something for me and when that didn’t work that is when she sent a referral over to get the scope done. Which happened really quick.
I guess that is a good thing considering what my current situation is.
If you have had or know someone who has had similar issues let me know.
I would be open to hearing what others have gone through.
I would like to eat something normal for a change.
By the way… I found this great product on Tiktok that I will be showing y’all once it gets delivered.
So stay tuned for that as I got the delivery notification already and can’t wait to check it out!