Originally posted 2014-04-15 22:05:01.
My son had his first seizure at two weeks old. The foster parent called it ”tremors”. He was diagnosed within his first two years after extensive testing. They could not figure out what all was wrong. Between him getting so sick so often and the seizures we frequented Duke Hospital in Durham NC. He had epileptic seizures but because part of his brain didn’t develop they could not say it was epilepsy. Today his diagnosis is intractable seizure disorder. He is on 3 different seizure medications and still not really under control. I had been looking for something to help us at home, to monitor him while he sleeps. I came across a website called www.DANNYDID.org.
They offered some suggestions and when I expressed that we could not afford to purchase the device they purchased it and donated it to us. We discussed our current issues and reasons we were reaching out to them. Based on our current issues the device was suggested. They sent me an Emfit movement monitor from www.emfit.com. We have only used it one night so I can’t comment on its effectiveness yet but will update this after I can fully review its effectiveness.
50,000 people die from seizures every year. Some are happy little kids like Danny Stanton. Learn more about their mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures at www.dannydid.org
Until them please check them out and share their mission. “Please go and enjoy your life. Danny Did.”