
Stitches, flat tires and birthday cake

Originally posted 2015-08-27 02:24:52. Have you ever been in one of those periods where you really just want to disconnect from the world around you and just immerse yourself in your own little bubble? Yeah, well that is kind of where I have been this past several, several weeks. Dealing with my husband and his “service connected issues” to Dusty and well all that comes with him, trying to get his seizures controlled enough to…

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Prayers Please

Originally posted 2020-12-07 15:20:11. Please keep us in your prayers. This morning we found out that we may have been exposed to someone who was COVID19 positive. We weren’t around this person but my niece and nephew were and they came to our home several times, like they always do. They came over on Saturday, back and forth like normal. They just didn’t know they were around someone who was positive just I guess not…

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Unspoken Words

Originally posted 2015-04-21 12:32:19. Lately as I have been dealing with my bio and just life in my world there are certain things I end up thinking of from time to time for whatever reason. Not exactly sure what drums those thoughts up but they are there. Some of them honestly hurt. But those are thoughts I would have to take to my grave simply to avoid hurting anyone. Now they aren’t thoughts of physically…

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Aging With Grace Is A Blessing Not Always A Requirement

Originally posted 2015-03-15 15:31:49. Another year older and some would say another year wiser but hey we can’t all be perfect. 😉 I have been MIA the past 4 weeks. It has been a very trying time considering my 21-year-old son has decided to take on actions of younger children to teens. Since my daughter has been away in college he hasn’t seen much of her. He was so used to having her by his…

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Children…and all that comes with it.

Originally posted 2015-01-12 21:38:53. Raising children can be one of the harder things parents have to do in their lives. As we all know there isn’t that perfect manual for us to guide us through the challenges that parenting presents. For me, since I have a “normal” one and a special needs one I had to throw out any previous ideas I had on how to do things. Not dramatically different but in a lot…

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Its a new year and what will it bring

Originally posted 2015-01-07 00:57:18. Well its now 2015, Yay! What that means, who knows. Will it be a good year for us and so many more, one could hope so. To start off the new year a very close family friend’s husband of 28 years passed away. He had been suffering from ALS. He passed on January 2, 2015. His wife is such an overwhelmingly loving person who we were honored to connect with back…

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The plot thickens

Originally posted 2014-12-12 21:36:07. Today I have really been on the edge and just really anxious. Why really not sure why. Been trying to handle all the above with seemingly none of the below. From the VA to the SSA it’s all been a fight to the finish line. Not to mention the insurance premium program that I applied to months upon months ago. Until recently I had seemed to just be talking to the…

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Husband, Father, Marine, Veteran

Originally posted 2014-11-06 20:46:55. Today, November 6 is my husbands birthday. He is not used to necessarily celebrating it because of the way they grew up they didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc. He turns 33 years old. Yes, I guess that technically means I am a “cougar” since I have almost 9 years on him. But I am ok with that. He has been a great provider and father to my children. He earned the…

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