
Wisdom-less with laughter

Originally posted 2015-09-19 03:30:34. Let’s see…where did I last leave this? I don’t think I quite remember where I left my purse much less the last post. I guess I could have looked back and see where I left it but …oh well. I am just going to wing it. Well Kayla had to have oral surgery on Wednesday. All four of her wisdom teeth decided to start coming in with a vengeance. Nothing like…

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I am glowing with pride

Originally posted 2015-06-18 19:29:47. It’s official. We now have a 68whiskey medic in the house. She’s making moves and her stubborn determination and will as well as the passion to fulfill her dream is going to get her there. We still owe Meredith College 16k but we will worry about that later. It’ll get paid somehow. Only sucks because she could have used her transcripts to go in at a higher rank. We don’t know…

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From then to now

Originally posted 2015-06-17 18:24:50. My life has been moving so slow it seemed the past week or so. Yet no time for things that needed that extra attention. My husband had slowed to an almost halt and trying to motivate him is beyond frustrating. He has no idea some of the things I say or do are to try to motivate him. He has kind of just gotten into this slump. He comes home talking…

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Short but to the Point

Originally posted 2015-06-16 02:13:02. Wow…seems I went longer before posting again than I thought. Guess what? We kind of went on “vacation” or in simpler terms Kayla had Dusty for several days last week and we had a “break”. Its funny because anytime we have ever had that so-called break we tend to do nothing. I did manage to get to ride on the motorcycle with James. Haven’t been able to just sit behind him…

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Past turn Present

Originally posted 2015-05-25 03:18:28. Happy Memorial Day to everyone, even if you aren’t military affiliated or know the true meaning behind it I wish you the best. The past few days for me have been a bit unnerving not just for me but for my family as well. You see on Thursday I had court on Thursday for the ticket from the trailer. We finally were about to get it registered but not without a…

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Anybody Seen The Calgon? It was supposed to take me away

Originally posted 2015-04-09 19:08:02. Boy oh boy has this past several weeks has been interesting. Got a headache and still have my music drowning me. The music isn’t seeming to bother my headache so I won’t bother it. You know the song by Lindsay Lohan “Confessions of a Broken Heart” ? Parts of me can feel the hurt in that song towards my biological father. Other times I hear those words in my own head.…

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When I die I will likely blow a lot of smoke out of my A**

Originally posted 2015-02-05 23:22:33. You know when someone tells you something and you get the instant “That’s BULLSHIT” reaction? Yeah, we had one on Friday when we attended a local American Legion for Veterans. The Veterans Administration had representatives there from Wednesday to Friday as well as a few more veteran related organizations there to assist anyone who needed it. The main reason we went, well James’s VA disability claim for his service related injuries.…

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Secrets and my fear

Originally posted 2015-01-20 13:16:42. That word can be both negative and positive when it is in our lives. For me it means the struggle of the things I have seen and can’t speak on out of the fear of the parties involved coming after me and my kids. I struggle with it daily. I have this part of me that says I if I say something about the secret I am referring to I…

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Children…and all that comes with it.

Originally posted 2015-01-12 21:38:53. Raising children can be one of the harder things parents have to do in their lives. As we all know there isn’t that perfect manual for us to guide us through the challenges that parenting presents. For me, since I have a “normal” one and a special needs one I had to throw out any previous ideas I had on how to do things. Not dramatically different but in a lot…

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