
Seeing signs

Originally posted 2015-06-19 13:23:07. I have been reading posts from other domestic violence survivors in support groups. I see myself in so many of the stories I read. The intimidation, manipulation, the “love” the abusers claim they have for their victims. It kills me because as I remember all that I was told and all he claimed I was just so blind and made to believe what he was saying to me was out of…

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Musical Memory

Originally posted 2022-06-17 08:00:00. I used to love 90s R & B music like Jodeci, but now I can’t listen to them, at all, and it sucks. You see when their album Forever My Lady came out I was with my kids bio/sperm donor, the abuser. We listened to alot of music and that album was one that was played, a lot. With so much of that time of my life tied to these songs…

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Mindful exhaustion

Originally posted 2015-04-23 19:25:56. For some reason today I feel more exhausted than I have been in past times when I have been bombarded by so many things at once. Maybe it’s just because I have been put in a situation I was never prepared to handle. But when are we ever prepared to have to make decisions like this for our parents? Especially the one parent that was never really a “parent” to you.…

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Saved by the Crown

Originally posted 2020-10-19 08:04:58. The day of my daughter’s baby shower was a new one for me. New that it’s obviously our first grandbaby and new that I attended a function with their biological sperm donating father. He was there, yes. My daughter I believe was curious about them and I can’t say I blame her but she will slowly but surely find out how he is. I almost didn’t attend it. My husband, my…

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Why People Abuse

Originally posted 2022-03-21 14:12:19. Abuse is never okay. Learn why it continues. Domestic violence stems from a desire to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abusive people believe they have the right to control and restrict their partner’s lives, often either because they believe their own feelings and needs should be the priority in the relationship, or because they enjoy exerting the power that such abuse gives them. Tactics of abuse (in any…

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Off my chest

Originally posted 2020-02-22 09:00:51. I need to get something off my chest. If you have read my blog from the beginning you know I have dealt with domestic violence. Well… without going into too much detail because I do not want to bring unnecessary drama to the situation… I just need advise, suggestions. For so long I kept my children away from their bio father and family. As my daughter got older and moved out…

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