
Laurel Bay Military Housing and Kids with Cancer

Originally posted 2017-01-08 01:20:18. “Published on Jan 7, 2017This video is meant to serve as a public service announcement to all families that have been stationed at MCRD Parris Island or MCAS Beaufort and lived in the Laurel Bay military housing community. In the last several years, 8 children (that we know of so far) that lived at Laurel Bay have been diagnosed with cancer. Please share this video with the Marine Corps and Navy…

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Wouldn’t have missed it for anything, except maybe Pizza

Originally posted 2016-04-13 19:37:12. There are those events in our lives and the lives of our children that we see as huge milestones and you would do almost anything to make sure you did not miss it. Well for us one of those events was Kayla’s boot camp graduation.We are so enormously proud of her and this accomplishment. Seems her stubborn and bullheadedness actually may have helped her. Glad I didn’t tell her she couldn’t…

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The Hero Within…

Originally posted 2016-01-12 15:40:42. Someone recently told me I was his hero. I honestly didn’t know what to say to that. I mean I am just Amy…mom to Dusty and Kayla, wife to James. It’s not like I’m kin to the queen of any country or some Nobel prize winner. Of course they are human too. Just because they did something the world knows about or went through something they at the end of the…

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Simplicity is overrated, isnt it?

Originally posted 2016-01-08 22:58:17. It’s now 2016. Who would have ever thought we’d see these days come and not be in flying cars like the Jetson’s cartoons. It seemed so doable back them and to now look back on just how far we haven’t come, it makes one wonder just what our future really holds. Time went so fast in the last month of 2015. December came and went in a flash. Maybe it is…

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Wisdom-less with laughter

Originally posted 2015-09-19 03:30:34. Let’s see…where did I last leave this? I don’t think I quite remember where I left my purse much less the last post. I guess I could have looked back and see where I left it but …oh well. I am just going to wing it. Well Kayla had to have oral surgery on Wednesday. All four of her wisdom teeth decided to start coming in with a vengeance. Nothing like…

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Short but to the Point

Originally posted 2015-06-16 02:13:02. Wow…seems I went longer before posting again than I thought. Guess what? We kind of went on “vacation” or in simpler terms Kayla had Dusty for several days last week and we had a “break”. Its funny because anytime we have ever had that so-called break we tend to do nothing. I did manage to get to ride on the motorcycle with James. Haven’t been able to just sit behind him…

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