Tag: seizures
The last 24 hours
Originally posted 2021-01-13 09:28:48. The day started like any other. I try not to let Dusty know he has an appointment because he will not sleep and get up at the butt crack of dawn. He had an appointment at his neurologist’s office but not with the neurologist. He was seeing the doctor who handles his VNS (vagal nerve stimulator). They were checking the battery and other information that it holds. He had it surgically…
November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month
Originally posted 2018-11-02 20:30:00. To kick off November National Epilepsy Awareness Month, the Danny Did Foundation is proud to share their new awareness video. The narration is by Danny’s younger brother, Tommy. If you or your family is impacted by epilepsy, we encourage you to take time this month to tell your story. No one can do it better than you! ‘ENJOY LIFE’ SOCK AVAILABLE During November National Epilepsy Awareness Month only, our new “Enjoy…
Microcephaly, is it what you don’t know what you fear the most?
Originally posted 2016-02-01 13:43:35. As most may know this has been in the news a lot lately. What some of you may not know is that my son was also born with microcephaly. Yes, I admit when I was young I didn’t know what to expect with my child having this. I opted to give him up for adoption. Ultimately, I decided to raise my son the best way I knew how. He wasn’t diagnosed…
Is this how my day will go?
Originally posted 2018-10-30 09:05:47. Hope this is not an early indicator of how my day will go but you see his medicine, his cup of water, a powerade, and the magnet for his VNS stimulator inside his chest.
Simplicity is overrated, isnt it?
Originally posted 2016-01-08 22:58:17. It’s now 2016. Who would have ever thought we’d see these days come and not be in flying cars like the Jetson’s cartoons. It seemed so doable back them and to now look back on just how far we haven’t come, it makes one wonder just what our future really holds. Time went so fast in the last month of 2015. December came and went in a flash. Maybe it is…
Stitches, flat tires and birthday cake
Originally posted 2015-08-27 02:24:52. Have you ever been in one of those periods where you really just want to disconnect from the world around you and just immerse yourself in your own little bubble? Yeah, well that is kind of where I have been this past several, several weeks. Dealing with my husband and his “service connected issues” to Dusty and well all that comes with him, trying to get his seizures controlled enough to…
Blame me, shame me
Originally posted 2014-11-17 20:07:23. We recently had the 72 hour EEG done on Dusty to investigate further just how many seizures he is having, or at least to get a better understanding of some of his random movements. We have wondered for a while now if some of those random movements Dusty makes were muscle spasms or actual seizure activity. We got an answer to some of that this past week. The results of the…
Seizing Halloween
Originally posted 2014-11-02 00:49:03. On the last day of the EEG testing and it had gone so well…but wait, there is more. So the technician was scheduled to be here around 9am so I wake Dusty up at 8:30am so that he could take his medications and be ready when he got here. He gets up, uses the bathroom, and then goes into the kitchen to get his cup of water to start to take…
Life is precious
Originally posted 2019-06-01 06:17:25. My son… silly that he looks like he works out but he only works fork to mouth. You can see the vagal nerve stimulator in his chest to aid with his intractable seizure disorder – I never thought I’d see him reach 25 years old. He’s had meningitis and with his immune system the way it is they weren’t sure if he’d be able to fight it. My momma was there…