Veteran Spotlight

Meet Joy

Originally posted 2019-11-24 11:00:30. “My dad passed away and before he passed he picked up an art brush and he painted. He has painted some amazing pieces. So when he passed I drew a humming bird then I was looking at the humming bird and another memory came to me and another one. So I started my first piece in memory of my dad. Since I’ve done multiple pieces each represents someone’s stories. I’ve also…

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An invitation to our lives

Originally posted 2014-03-18 17:34:02.   So here it is. The start, the beginning. Although I am a bit unsure how to do this so bear with me. I have been told on several occasions that I ought to ”write a book” about our lives. I am not beyond sharing our story I just don’t want the ”wrong” attention. You have people who are always going to be the skeptic, the non-believer, the supporter, etc…well I…

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Flawless Imperfections

Originally posted 2016-09-20 15:30:14. Turned a page in this  never-ending book of life for us. Whether we are in a better position or not remains to be seen. James had been working in a temporary position at the post office. He’d also been steadily submitting applications for whatever position he thought he may have been qualified for.  Several months ago he was offered a term position (it’s kind of like a temporary position but for some there is…

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Title? Think I forgot it too…

Originally posted 2016-08-03 20:48:44. Through my years I have gone through things, done things, put myself in situations I shouldn’t have, gone places I shouldn’t have, yet some things I wish I could speak on. There are some things I honestly want to talk about but I can’t. I am pretty sure there are some of you reading that know what I mean. You know there are some things you don’t think you could ever…

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Veteran Unemployment, It’s not just applications and interviews

Originally posted 2016-06-29 19:07:38. Veteran Unemployment, It’s not just applications and interviews Don’t get me wrong, being unemployed sucks no matter if you are a veteran or not but veterans being unemployed comes with a different set of playing cards. They possess a different set of skills that aren’t understood by those in the private sector unless they’ve been there themselves or related in someway. They earned skills not easily attainable, skills no private sector job…

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Simplicity is overrated, isnt it?

Originally posted 2016-01-08 22:58:17. It’s now 2016. Who would have ever thought we’d see these days come and not be in flying cars like the Jetson’s cartoons. It seemed so doable back them and to now look back on just how far we haven’t come, it makes one wonder just what our future really holds. Time went so fast in the last month of 2015. December came and went in a flash. Maybe it is…

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