

Why do alcoholics try to gaslight those around them? Why can’t they admit they have an issue? Why do they have to have a near death experience before they see anything remotely close to seeing they have a problem? When those who love them are seeing all they are doing and they could give 2 shits. They just care about that fucking bottle! WHY?!!!!!!! Someone please! I need to understand. I have watched my biological…

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The Ear

Originally posted 2020-12-11 09:36:48. There are things some just don’t speak of.I am my husband’s ear and sometimes that is painful not to mention stressful. He purchased a truck almost 2 years ago and we have yet to get the truck due to something beyond our control. I’m trying my hardest to get this taken care of but with covid and other things we have had a hard time getting anything done. Yesterday I was…

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Its a new year and what will it bring

Originally posted 2015-01-07 00:57:18. Well its now 2015, Yay! What that means, who knows. Will it be a good year for us and so many more, one could hope so. To start off the new year a very close family friend’s husband of 28 years passed away. He had been suffering from ALS. He passed on January 2, 2015. His wife is such an overwhelmingly loving person who we were honored to connect with back…

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The plot thickens

Originally posted 2014-12-12 21:36:07. Today I have really been on the edge and just really anxious. Why really not sure why. Been trying to handle all the above with seemingly none of the below. From the VA to the SSA it’s all been a fight to the finish line. Not to mention the insurance premium program that I applied to months upon months ago. Until recently I had seemed to just be talking to the…

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Husband, Father, Marine, Veteran

Originally posted 2014-11-06 20:46:55. Today, November 6 is my husbands birthday. He is not used to necessarily celebrating it because of the way they grew up they didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc. He turns 33 years old. Yes, I guess that technically means I am a “cougar” since I have almost 9 years on him. But I am ok with that. He has been a great provider and father to my children. He earned the…

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At least two sides to every story – officer and a veteran –

Originally posted 2018-01-26 21:09:21. Healing Household 6 (facebook post) This is one of our Caregivers and the story of what happened to her ex-husband today. NO ONE is faulting the officer who used force in this manner. It’s likely Matthew was a bit hostile. HOWEVER, this is a man that has repeatedly asked for help. He has lost his wife and children due to safety issues, and has pleaded for someone to listen to him.…

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It was one furry day

Originally posted 2020-09-04 09:00:37. Like father like son 🤣A man and his dogs It is now official, the two strays have been added to our already furry family. They had their veterinarian appointment yesterday and got their shots, rabies, etc. Bowie (aka heavy chevy ) still has some growing to do 😳 it’s crazy that he is 10 pounds lighter than Chewy it’s hard to believe. Bowie has a skin infection on top of allergies…

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Stuck in limbo status

Originally posted 2014-06-03 13:47:39. Finally! I have someone going to bat for me. Thank Goodness because this is getting so frustrating. Plus when you get bills for $1900.00 for a hospital visit that resulted in nothing for you it gets even more frustrating. One of them has already gone into collections but what do you do? They call me and say they need a certain amount for it to be a payment arrangement but I…

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New journey ahead

Originally posted 2014-05-29 16:26:26. A new journey awaits. My husband finished his CDL class and is officially a licensed commercial driver, well at least on paper. He just needs to find the right job/company. We live in NC so hopefully he can find one he likes and can help him adjust to civilian life. He has only been out of the Marine Corps for one year and it hasn’t been the easiest of transitions. The…

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