
Freezing Anxiety

Originally posted 2022-12-13 09:24:44. Yeah… my title is a twist… Ok, I’m freaking COLD!! LOL Yes I know I am in a building with walls and electricity… Hell we even have a “fireplace” to turn on for heat that runs off propane. Y’all know I have anxiety where fire is concerned because of the house fires. Then the smoke alarms several years ago that went off while my husband was at work. Then a while…

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This is true

Originally posted 2022-12-01 07:05:05. This is so true. I look at people who are in my age group and see how some of them are and wonder just how and why they are the way they are. Now don’t get me wrong, they could have gone through a trauma. Or what may have been traumatic to them. Not everyone can handle trauma the same way. Some of us take that in and it embeds into…

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The rush

Originally posted 2022-11-03 07:56:28. I woke up this morning like any other morning feeling the need for coffee. But the rush wasn’t from coffee. I started watching this documentary called Killer Sally. She was in an abusive relationship where from the outside no one knew. No one suspected outside of one person she confided in. The man was likeable. She did everything she good to try and please him according to her words. He would…

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