
Healthy drink

There is a place local to me called Krew Nutrition. They carry healthy drinks that have collagen in them. The owner, get this, is 18 years old. Good for her. She’s a go-getter. I purchased every flavor she offered. We have been drinking one each morning. I think it’s a franchise, but don’t hold me to it. Anyway, today’s selection was Watermelon Sugar. I think James took Rocket Fuel with him. I just thought I’d…

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You funny doc

Originally posted 2021-03-24 09:23:59. I go to my follow-up doctors appointment yesterday. This was to get results of a bunch of tests that were run to see if I had a blood disorder that may explain why I keep having mini-strokes. I had my ninth mini-stroke in February. So, the doctor proceeds with the appointment and tells me all my tests came back negative. YAY right?! Which I’m glad because had I tested positive for…

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Originally posted 2019-10-16 07:00:26. I am speaking to parents of special needs children/adults. To the parents who are with their kids and pretty much your life revolves around their care. To the parents who often wonder what will happen when the day comes and you pass on. Since my momma’s passing, my bio father’s passing and well my brother too I have been thinking about it much more. My daughter has her life. What if…

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How do you preserve something that isn’t there?

Originally posted 2016-04-23 20:30:06. Over the last 10 plus years or so I have been taking pictures in fear I won’t be able to remember things, even the most miniscule of memories. Unfortunately with a multitude of pictures comes the need for the storage. Luckily as technology has advanced we have gotten better storage capabilities for our quality images that we want to be able to see 10 years for now. Well in my case…

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Originally posted 2018-03-09 08:09:04. This is kinda awesome I think. Granted you will still need to speak to a doctor to have further testing but it gives you something to work with. What do you think? Would you want to know by way of an at home test or would you like to know from your doctor? If you tested positive for the specified genetic variants how do you think you’d react?   According to…

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Highs and Lows

Originally posted 2022-08-05 11:28:20. As you may recall we all got covid after our grandbaby (the 2nd one) was born. For the most part we have recovered, well it seems that way. Still wearing a mask when we go somewhere though. The other day I had a routine diabetes appointment. My blood pressure was on the higher side but my heartrate was even higher. My diabetes doc was tempted to do an EKG but my…

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Warranted Explanations

Originally posted 2015-05-06 22:53:15. First off, my bio situation sort of went in a totally different direction than expected. Just a couple of weeks ago I had gone to visit him a few times that week. On that Thursday there was a meeting with the facility social worker. Myself and the “girlfriend” were in attendance along with speech therapy, physical therapy, social worker and nurse. We spoke about his current condition and the fact that…

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Hardest Hour

Originally posted 2022-04-28 11:16:59. I had the an appointment with the cranial surgeon yesterday. It was to discuss the changes that have occurred since starting physical therapy. Well more like what happened after seeing the therapist one time. I explained to the surgeon how when I am horizontal it doesn’t seem be nearly as bad. But when I am vertical, that’s when it seems to get worse. It pain and burning sensations seem to crawl…

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The saga continues…

Originally posted 2022-04-06 14:06:15. Ok so I know it has been a few weeks, ok more than a few, since I updated what’s going on. I figured posting posts that really don’t have anything new was pointless. Today I finally saw the cranial surgeon for the second time but with all records in attendance. The last time I saw him he didn’t have all the test, reports needed to fully analyze what is going on.…

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