Dogs Family

New Toys

Originally posted 2019-08-23 09:45:31. I purchased a new toy for the house. The main reason was to have something to play calming music at night for Saoirse. She has so much energy that sometimes nighttime isn’t as calm as it should be. I have been playing this calming music for dogs I found on Amazon music. We have been leaving the tv on at night since we played it through our firestick. We would leave…

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Dogs Family

What day is it?

Chewy is still off and on about eating. It almost seems like his stomach hurts and he only eats when he gets hungry hungry. The vet’s office called me yesterday and told me his labs had come back. He is mildly anemic but they aren’t sure why yet. The urine hasn’t come back yet so maybe that will give some answers. He has a sedated xray scheduled for Monday morning. So I am going to…

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If you have dogs…

Originally posted 2017-09-07 11:10:17. Hurricane tip:Put pieces of sod in a kiddie pool and put it in your garage. You have a safe place for your dogs to potty during the storm. Never let dogs off leash into the yard during the storm, dogs get easily spooked during hurricanes and may take off, scaling even a large fence. Also, fences and gates are easily knocked open/over during hurricanes. Keep your pets safe and secured. Click…

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Dogs Family

What to do about Saorise

Originally posted 2019-06-27 17:50:44. Well… it’s not a good report. I met the veterinarian at his office and they handed me a computer disc. Which I knew what that meant. His first words were, it’s not good. We kind of already prepared ourselves for that. He is referring her to the same orthopedic surgeon that did Chewy’s hind legs. This appointment is kind of a second opinion as he would like to see if there…

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Dogs Family

Dog pound approved!

Originally posted 2020-08-28 11:54:20. Some of our dogs are picky eaters. Some not so much but they all get the same food. We add frozen green beans and some like it some don’t. When we discovered Stella and Chewy’s Dinner Dust I figured what could it hurt. Besides, what pup doesn’t like bacon, lol. They have different varieties of the dinner dust I just chose the What’s Shakin’ Bac’n Recipe With six dogs I didn’t…

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Dogs Family

She’s so picky

Originally posted 2022-03-11 15:54:50. Saoirse is such a picky eater, much less a picky dog in general. Must be from her being hit by a car in her young development. Or maybe it’s just Saoirse. There are times when she sniffs her food and walks away then the next day she’s eating some of it. Maybe she’s in pain and not hungry. Maybe she doesn’t particularly like the food we purchased. I don’t know but…

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Houston area Rescue 5-31-19

Originally posted 2019-05-31 15:39:59. View this post on Instagram I need help finding a GOOD home for this girl here. @taco.wench took her in when someone was going to surrender her to a kill shelter in the Houston area. . . Personality traits etc are on pic #3. DM me or @taco.wench if you have any questions or know of someone who might be interested. A post shared by Hellhoundsrescues (@hellhoundsrescues) on May 31, 2019…

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Hellhound Rescues May 22 2019

Originally posted 2019-05-22 12:16:29. View this post on Instagram How can you not love that face? . . Ruff-a-Roo! I’m so pleased to meet you! My name is Pepper and I’m here to tell you more about me in case you're searching for an awesome dog! . I’m a sweet girl and enjoy all things outside, but I don’t mind curling up inside and watching a good movie, either. I love chasing lizards and field…

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Zeus Zeus

Originally posted 2019-05-12 17:11:31. OMG… this poor pup. I just had to share. View this post on Instagram There are no words for the agonizing pain Zeus has been forced to endure. There are no words to truly encapsulate his suffering • Brought to a hospital after his breeder claimed a chicken coop had fallen on him, causing the massive wound to his snout, the doctors were in shock. Uninterested in treating the excruciating damage…

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