
How to Respond to a Suicidal Friend |

Originally posted 2019-05-28 08:21:23. “How should I respond to a friend who may be suicidal?” Sadly, this is one of the questions we at the REBOOT Alliance are asked most often. Your natural inclination might be to ignore your gut feelings and hope someone with higher “credentials” or training will notice if your friend displays any warning signs. But in our experience, it is often a friend or a family member who is most…

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Circuits Overload

Originally posted 2019-05-22 11:23:54. This was a post from 2016 that never got published lol Have you ever felt as if your circuit board is on overload? Like the wires, connections in your body’s circuit board is on overload and at risk of burning out? Well that is where I am this week. James’s been at home because the employer he was working for did not get awarded the next contract for the job. So,…

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Originally posted 2018-08-01 10:34:32.   Help keep Dysfunctional Veterans operating by joining the elite DV Battalion Club. Membership never exceeds more than 500 people. As a member, you’ll get 10% off every order you place in the DV Store for the next year and we’ll send you a member package packed with 9 gifts! Your package will include: DV Flag T-Shirt (only available to members) Bacon Eating, Gun Toting, Crazy Bastards Hoodie (only available to members)…

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Dogs Family

He came close

Originally posted 2020-06-16 12:44:24. My husband keeps the bandana that our dog, Charlie, wore around her neck on his work bag. He was leaving work last night and noticed her bandana not on his bag. He traced his steps, checked the truck, the locker room and every place he had been to try and find it. He said he even looked several times trying to find it. He got home and was in panic mode…

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The weirdest thing?

Originally posted 2020-05-28 17:21:57. Ok, so my BFF, Jess, and I were (what we call) running errands. At least that’s what we tell our husband’s 🤣 We went to Lowe’s home improvement store, twice, just two different stores. Then Home Depot. Walmart, twice (2 different stores). Food Lion, grocery store for those who aren’t familiar with them, 2 of them. Let’s not forget Sam’s Club. While in the second Walmart we went to customer service…

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Buddy Check Wednesday

Originally posted 2017-10-04 13:25:41. TODAY IS BUDDY CHECK WEDNESDAY…Good Morning! Don’t forget your brothers & sisters. YOU are the point person today…call, email or text one or more of your brothers and sisters to make sure they are doing okay. Everybody needs a Buddy. NO MORE 20 on our watch. Do your part and please share this post. PTSD affects so many! We now have a close group for PTSD CAREGIVERS. You will find it…

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Extra woof with an added meow

Originally posted 2017-10-02 09:42:03. We volunteered to help out a veteran in their time of need. First the unfortunate death of an Air Force veteran. That veteran had a dog and a cat left behind. The family couldn’t keep them so they looked for someone else who could take them. They tried many rescues but no one could take them in the time frame they had left. The dog, Bear, is 13 years old and…

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I did a thing yesterday

Originally posted 2021-10-26 12:23:01. Ok, yesterday I enrolled my husband in an online college course. Why you ask? Because he would not have done it himself The class is $2595. It is for Chemical Plant Operator Course. This is pretty much what he did in the Marine Corps. He has applied to 3 different positions since he has been out of the Marine Corps and well he needed the certification. Unfortunately the Marine Corps doesn’t…

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She’s home

Originally posted 2019-03-01 21:02:41. James wanted to put her in something more personal so we opted for the temporary urn. They had all of the paperwork her urn and a clay paw print in a gift bag. My husband rode home with it in his passenger seat. I think he was talking to her because he was behind my me at a stop light and I could see him in my rear view ❤.…

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