
Rape and Alcohol

Originally posted 2015-07-08 17:54:46.     Two of the times I have been raped I was under the influence of alcohol. Because of the things I have gone through in my life, the lives of my family members and close friends I am really just not the type of person that drinks like that. Yes, I am Irish so the typical Irishmen are drinkers theory hangs over my head. The first rape was because that…

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Painful progress

Originally posted 2019-08-12 08:56:06. Oh how so easily I bruise nowadays. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤦🏼‍♀️ This is from my deep tissue massage on Saturday. #nopainnogain that’s for sure. This is two of them, which there are a few more. My muscles in these areas are locked and don’t want to let go so it’s been a process trying to ease them – after so many surgeries, trauma, stress, etc my muscles have just tensed up so…

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Unspoken Words

Originally posted 2015-04-21 12:32:19. Lately as I have been dealing with my bio and just life in my world there are certain things I end up thinking of from time to time for whatever reason. Not exactly sure what drums those thoughts up but they are there. Some of them honestly hurt. But those are thoughts I would have to take to my grave simply to avoid hurting anyone. Now they aren’t thoughts of physically…

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Happy Heavenly Birthday Momma and CJ

Originally posted 2020-10-20 08:00:00. My nephew CJ’s birthday was October 17th and my momma’s is October 20th. They may be gone in the physical sense but never forgotten. It’s barely been 10 months since CJ’s passing and almost 2 and a half years for since my momma passed away. It is hard “celebrating” their birthday when they aren’t here. I know my momma would want us to celebrate and have fun, drink a beer and…

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Secrets and my fear

Originally posted 2015-01-20 13:16:42. That word can be both negative and positive when it is in our lives. For me it means the struggle of the things I have seen and can’t speak on out of the fear of the parties involved coming after me and my kids. I struggle with it daily. I have this part of me that says I if I say something about the secret I am referring to I…

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Its a new year and what will it bring

Originally posted 2015-01-07 00:57:18. Well its now 2015, Yay! What that means, who knows. Will it be a good year for us and so many more, one could hope so. To start off the new year a very close family friend’s husband of 28 years passed away. He had been suffering from ALS. He passed on January 2, 2015. His wife is such an overwhelmingly loving person who we were honored to connect with back…

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The plot thickens

Originally posted 2014-12-12 21:36:07. Today I have really been on the edge and just really anxious. Why really not sure why. Been trying to handle all the above with seemingly none of the below. From the VA to the SSA it’s all been a fight to the finish line. Not to mention the insurance premium program that I applied to months upon months ago. Until recently I had seemed to just be talking to the…

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Saved by the Crown

Originally posted 2020-10-19 08:04:58. The day of my daughter’s baby shower was a new one for me. New that it’s obviously our first grandbaby and new that I attended a function with their biological sperm donating father. He was there, yes. My daughter I believe was curious about them and I can’t say I blame her but she will slowly but surely find out how he is. I almost didn’t attend it. My husband, my…

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The month of blur

Originally posted 2017-12-05 14:09:25. This past month has seriously been a blur. It’s been a little more than a month when I think about it. If you go back to October when I had my mini-stroke so that’s almost 2 months. Geez… Biological father passed away on November 14th. Dusty and I had gotten up early that morning to make the trip to see him when the so-called girlfriend called me to tell me he…

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