
Is this vengeance?

Yesterday’s physical therapy was a little tougher than other sessions. More specific… they had me picking up little pegs with my feet/ toes and putting them in a pan. That was alot f’n harder than I thought it would be. I had done marbles with my feet but this… this was on a whole other level. I asked the therapist about the numbness that’s still there. He mentioned that when some of it comes back…

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 Painful Progress

As we were hanging there in the waiting area I lost my balance…and… BAM. I caught myself with the “bad foot” Split second reaction. Then I reached for my husband and latched onto him THAT SHIT HURT!!!! I wanted to scream like a mf’r in a room full of people. I burst into tears. Thankfully my surgeon didn’t think I damaged anything. In two weeks I get this cast off, xray, then they are supposed…

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Day 921

Day three feels like nine hundred and twenty-one. I’m in so much pain I am not even hungry. Problem is I need to eat being on all these medications. The nerve block more than likely wore off today since it is only supposed to last 3 or so days. I stayed in the hospital overnight because I was in so much pain. I remember looking at the monitor and it was like 168 over something.…

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Wisdom-less with laughter

Originally posted 2015-09-19 03:30:34. Let’s see…where did I last leave this? I don’t think I quite remember where I left my purse much less the last post. I guess I could have looked back and see where I left it but …oh well. I am just going to wing it. Well Kayla had to have oral surgery on Wednesday. All four of her wisdom teeth decided to start coming in with a vengeance. Nothing like…

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What the… knee?

Originally posted 2019-08-30 07:35:48. Ughh… what’s the deal with knees in this house?!  Chewy’s other leg/knee had something shift yesterday. I think it’s possibly the metal pin in there because it is common for the pins to dislodge. His other leg/knee did the same thing just pushed way out,almost pushing through the skin. Since it’s not pushing through the skin and he is still walking semi-normal we have an appointment Tuesday. Let’s hope it stays…

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Scar Tissue

Originally posted 2020-11-16 09:00:17. Since I haven’t been able to get an appointment with my favorite massage therapist since the beginning of 2020 I had to find something to help. I won this Wonder Maxi massage gun in one of Adoption First Animal Rescue’s fundraising raffles. I started working on areas that never seem to get enough time. My midsection, my stomach. I have had so many surgeries and alot of them have been in my…

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Week one

Originally posted 2022-05-29 16:55:02. Baby steps. I’m home from the hospital and making progress. When I was first rolled out of the OR I remember them covering my shoulders with lots of ice packs. It was to ease the swelling in my shoulders. They had to pull my arms and shoulders down and back so they could get to my neck the way they needed. My shoulders hurt like a mf’r when I started waking…

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