Originally posted 2020-09-05 01:57:07.
I got a call around 9:30 am Friday morning. The veterinarian’s office wanted to see if Leia (the female stray) had eaten anything yet.
She hadn’t eaten yet.
We were on the cancelation waitlist for her to be spayed.
They asked if I wanted to bring her in as they had a cancelation.

She is now home and been spayed.
Thankfully she wasn’t pregnant but the veterinarian believes she had a false pregnancy.
It’s good because we couldn’t have dealt with a litter of puppies too, 🥴
Leia has been throwing up since we brought her home.
I’ve given her the prescribed pain medication as well as an omeprazole like the discharge instructions called for if she started throwing up.

But the problem is that she has continued to throw up.
As soon as my husband walked in from work she threw up twice.
It’s been a long day dealing with her and Max.
My husband and I are taking turns tonight.
I do believe one or both of us will fall asleep in the recliner instead 🤫😴
Fingers crossed her throwing up slows down because she is just miserable. Her stomach is so tight right now. She has no appetite either.

All she seems like she wants is water but her poor little body says otherwise.

If she’s like this in the morning I am going to call the veterinarian’s office and see what they suggest.
I am hoping and praying this is temporary and she gets better.
She’s doing a lot of moaning as she tosses and turns trying to find a comfy position.
I can give her another pain pill but I was trying to hold off since she keeps throwing up and doesn’t have anything on her stomach. I don’t want to cause further irritation on her stomach.

Thanks for all the support!
If you are interested in helping my mailing address is Carter Family PO Box 533 Richlands NC 28574