
Study: Memories of music cannot be lost to Alzheimer’s and dementia

Originally posted 2020-12-14 08:30:28. The part of your brain responsible for ASMR catalogs music, and appears to be a stronghold against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some music inspires you to move your feet, some inspires you to get out there and change the world. In any case, and to move hurriedly on to the point of this article, it’s fair to say that music moves people in special ways.  If you’re especially into a piece of…

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Prayers Please

Originally posted 2020-12-07 15:20:11. Please keep us in your prayers. This morning we found out that we may have been exposed to someone who was COVID19 positive. We weren’t around this person but my niece and nephew were and they came to our home several times, like they always do. They came over on Saturday, back and forth like normal. They just didn’t know they were around someone who was positive just I guess not…

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Originally posted 2018-01-18 16:16:41. During my last pain management appointment I noticed a brochure that I hadn’t seen before. I grabbed it to read over mainly just to pass time while waiting for the doc to come in. My understanding of just what it entails is minimal at this point but it had me curious to find out more. So, at checkout, I asked what the cost was for me to find out if I…

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Originally posted 2017-12-11 12:29:22. My mother went to the emergency room a couple of days ago because of excessive nose bleeding. They had to have her see an ENT/ (ear,nose,and throat doctor). Thankful she did as the doctor found a growth the size of a grape between her nose and sinus cavity. They cauterized the area that kept oozing blood and scheduled surgery for Tuesday. They aren’t sure if malignant or benign and will biopsy…

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One-eyed Willie

Originally posted 2022-01-12 09:00:19. I feel like I look like One-eyed Willie from The Goonies. I’m home from my tear duct bypass surgery from yesterday. From what I remember I only had one issue. My blood pressure. It was upwards of 180 over 100 something and they couldn’t get it down. I was hurting so I imagine that’s the culprit. They gave me more medicine in my IV twice and still didn’t budge my blood…

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The skeptic

Originally posted 2020-05-02 09:23:36. I was the skeptic when it came to CBD products. I have seen and heard it just like everyone else. People would swear by it. But, I just didn’t think it worked like that. That was until my best friend used the cbd massage melt by Pure Romance. She used it on her wrists, hands, shoulder, arms after driving 15 plus hours bringing a load of their belongings from Missouri. After…

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Telemed Appointments

Originally posted 2020-04-21 10:50:42. You know this coronavirus quarantine stuff has its ups and downs. One plus for me is not having to go into a crowded office and having to sit in a overpopulated waiting room. Since Dusty’s immune system is already compromised this is a huge weight off my shoulders! Alot of the patients that are in one of the doctor’s offices are children. As we know as children we didn’t think about…

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How the hell did I do that?

Originally posted 2021-10-06 19:46:51. Yesterday morning I woke up in extreme pain. The pain was in the right part of my upper back that seemed to radiate thru to the front of my chest. It also went all the way down my arm into my fingers. I couldn’t lay down and get comfortable. The pain seemed to increase in intensity after 30 to 60 seconds. I tried to describe it to my husband as well…

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Early Morning Emergency

Originally posted 2021-08-06 15:28:02. Early yesterday morning I woke to my husband wailing in pain. He said it hurt in his upper abdomen. Every few minutes the sounds of gagging almost throwing up became constant. My husband isn’t the “I’m in pain” type. He is normally the “I’m good” type. He asked me if we had any pepto-bismol, which we did. We got it out got a spoon and he took some. We waited. He…

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Our lives are about to change

Originally posted 2014-06-13 22:43:09. We are at the end of one chapter of our lives. Our son graduated last year and now our daughter graduates tomorrow, June 14 2014. Every time I think about it I end up in tears, not necessarily sad tears, I think they are a mixture of emotions. From where we started to where we are now I thought things would have never been the way they are now. I have…

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