
I had another one

Originally posted 2021-03-06 09:00:00. Ughhh… So I had another mini-stroke/TIA. This makes number 9. My regular has decided to send me to a specialist to see if there is something more going on. I get a call from a doctors office telling me they got a referral from my doc and needed to schedule an appointment. Then something caught my ear… I had her repeat where she was from. I heard the word ONOCOLOGY… my…

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It’s Back Again

Originally posted 2019-10-25 11:00:14. I had to go see a new neurosurgeon. They needed new MRI, CAT, Xrays, and all the work. Done most of that. I started physical therapy yesterday. Funny thing is she is the same physical therapist my husband had for his knee. So working with her was easy. Now that I have had the new films I am eager to see the surgeon to know whether or not they will be…

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Flawless Imperfections

Originally posted 2016-09-20 15:30:14. Turned a page in this  never-ending book of life for us. Whether we are in a better position or not remains to be seen. James had been working in a temporary position at the post office. He’d also been steadily submitting applications for whatever position he thought he may have been qualified for.  Several months ago he was offered a term position (it’s kind of like a temporary position but for some there is…

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How do you preserve something that isn’t there?

Originally posted 2016-04-23 20:30:06. Over the last 10 plus years or so I have been taking pictures in fear I won’t be able to remember things, even the most miniscule of memories. Unfortunately with a multitude of pictures comes the need for the storage. Luckily as technology has advanced we have gotten better storage capabilities for our quality images that we want to be able to see 10 years for now. Well in my case…

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The last 24 hours

Originally posted 2021-01-13 09:28:48. The day started like any other. I try not to let Dusty know he has an appointment because he will not sleep and get up at the butt crack of dawn. He had an appointment at his neurologist’s office but not with the neurologist. He was seeing the doctor who handles his VNS (vagal nerve stimulator). They were checking the battery and other information that it holds. He had it surgically…

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Highs and Lows

Originally posted 2022-08-05 11:28:20. As you may recall we all got covid after our grandbaby (the 2nd one) was born. For the most part we have recovered, well it seems that way. Still wearing a mask when we go somewhere though. The other day I had a routine diabetes appointment. My blood pressure was on the higher side but my heartrate was even higher. My diabetes doc was tempted to do an EKG but my…

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Prayers Please

Originally posted 2020-12-07 15:20:11. Please keep us in your prayers. This morning we found out that we may have been exposed to someone who was COVID19 positive. We weren’t around this person but my niece and nephew were and they came to our home several times, like they always do. They came over on Saturday, back and forth like normal. They just didn’t know they were around someone who was positive just I guess not…

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Originally posted 2018-10-01 16:56:30. If you know anything about diabetes these are numbers that you love to hit! A1C 5.5 I was so excited! I didn’t think I’d hit anything close considering this past few weeks since the hurricane have been hard to not eat things you “shouldn’t”. Cool! Just had to share a bit of good news. In other news, I am so tired. Just want to sleep. Good night 😏

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Can’t sleep

I can’t sleep. I’m actually scared to go to sleep. I took Chewy to get an ultrasound today. They think he has cancer. The report comes back as early as tomorrow. I pray to the Lord above that it’s not. To hear that word again I literally had a flashback from the last time my momma was told she had cancer again. I literally had that same feelings. Chewy synced to me. He follows me…

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