
Should I be alarmed

Originally posted 2023-01-30 16:43:19. … it’s Monday, what else is new? It’s raining here. I so suck at driving in the rain for some apparent reason. It’s my eyes. I think it is a combination of aging and having had lasik surgery years ago. I had it done within the first few months of being in Las Vegas, which was in 2003/2004. Anywho (or as my niece has been saying.. anywhore, I don’t know where…

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I just can’t

Originally posted 2023-01-19 19:14:18. This morning I woke like any other day, nothing different. My husband gets up and starts getting ready for work like any other day… He was driving our truck to work because I had a doctors appointment today. He goes to start the truck and quiet as a mouse. It wasn’t starting. UGHHHH. But that’s not what this post is about… I get coffee, take some of my morning medications… Dogs…

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Stressful breakouts

Originally posted 2018-12-10 11:32:54. I have had a change in the health of my skin. Even though I have great a skincare regimen on hand I just have had the lack of motivation to want to take the time to use it. So because of it the health of my skin has been seen in the mirror more often. Here I am 45 years old and having acne.  One thing I never took for granted…

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Freezing Anxiety

Originally posted 2022-12-13 09:24:44. Yeah… my title is a twist… Ok, I’m freaking COLD!! LOL Yes I know I am in a building with walls and electricity… Hell we even have a “fireplace” to turn on for heat that runs off propane. Y’all know I have anxiety where fire is concerned because of the house fires. Then the smoke alarms several years ago that went off while my husband was at work. Then a while…

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What would you do?

Originally posted 2019-09-25 19:29:23. Someone pulled on side of road next to my house while Dusty was outside with Saoirse. A friend that lives in our neighborhood, Elizabeth, called me as she passed them.  The person walked up to Dusty. I run outside and tell Dusty to come here.I ask him what the person said to him. He said the guy asked him if he wanted poop bags for the dog. I know it may…

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Ketamine Infusions Show Growing Promise for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Originally posted 2022-09-20 09:16:38. I didn’t do ketamine for these things but have seen a noticeable difference. If you have never tried it and you get the opportunity to, do it. Growing body of studies indicate ketamine treatment for mental health could become more widely accessible in the coming years. Ketamine, a substance traditionally used as an anesthetic, has been found to be beneficial for treating mental health issues including depression and anxiety. A new study published…

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The Ear

Originally posted 2020-12-11 09:36:48. There are things some just don’t speak of.I am my husband’s ear and sometimes that is painful not to mention stressful. He purchased a truck almost 2 years ago and we have yet to get the truck due to something beyond our control. I’m trying my hardest to get this taken care of but with covid and other things we have had a hard time getting anything done. Yesterday I was…

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Dogs Family

New Toys

Originally posted 2019-08-23 09:45:31. I purchased a new toy for the house. The main reason was to have something to play calming music at night for Saoirse. She has so much energy that sometimes nighttime isn’t as calm as it should be. I have been playing this calming music for dogs I found on Amazon music. We have been leaving the tv on at night since we played it through our firestick. We would leave…

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