
The Ear

Originally posted 2020-12-11 09:36:48. There are things some just don’t speak of.I am my husband’s ear and sometimes that is painful not to mention stressful. He purchased a truck almost 2 years ago and we have yet to get the truck due to something beyond our control. I’m trying my hardest to get this taken care of but with covid and other things we have had a hard time getting anything done. Yesterday I was…

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Dogs Family

New Toys

Originally posted 2019-08-23 09:45:31. I purchased a new toy for the house. The main reason was to have something to play calming music at night for Saoirse. She has so much energy that sometimes nighttime isn’t as calm as it should be. I have been playing this calming music for dogs I found on Amazon music. We have been leaving the tv on at night since we played it through our firestick. We would leave…

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Musical Memory

Originally posted 2022-06-17 08:00:00. I used to love 90s R & B music like Jodeci, but now I can’t listen to them, at all, and it sucks. You see when their album Forever My Lady came out I was with my kids bio/sperm donor, the abuser. We listened to alot of music and that album was one that was played, a lot. With so much of that time of my life tied to these songs…

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Bring on your Sexy!

Originally posted 2020-11-04 08:15:55. WOW! JUST WOW! These amazing products all bundled up in a set just in time for Christmas. Just in time to get you feeling the way you should be feeling! Strut your stuff bad girl with this Dirty French Limited Set! Thrill your body and senses with the Dirty French Limited Set. Bottling luscious lips, sheer stockings, and black lace, this most-loved scent seduces and delights with wild orchid and juicy…

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The plot thickens

Originally posted 2014-12-12 21:36:07. Today I have really been on the edge and just really anxious. Why really not sure why. Been trying to handle all the above with seemingly none of the below. From the VA to the SSA it’s all been a fight to the finish line. Not to mention the insurance premium program that I applied to months upon months ago. Until recently I had seemed to just be talking to the…

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Saved by the Crown

Originally posted 2020-10-19 08:04:58. The day of my daughter’s baby shower was a new one for me. New that it’s obviously our first grandbaby and new that I attended a function with their biological sperm donating father. He was there, yes. My daughter I believe was curious about them and I can’t say I blame her but she will slowly but surely find out how he is. I almost didn’t attend it. My husband, my…

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Like a baby

Originally posted 2022-05-08 17:29:01. If you have ever been around a baby you would probably know how easy it is for them to scratch their face. Well for the first time in my almost 50 years I have been able to grow my nails. Part is how easy is it for them to break off. Part of it was an effort I have made to try and not let my anxiety get over on me…

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It was one furry day

Originally posted 2020-09-04 09:00:37. Like father like son 🤣A man and his dogs It is now official, the two strays have been added to our already furry family. They had their veterinarian appointment yesterday and got their shots, rabies, etc. Bowie (aka heavy chevy ) still has some growing to do 😳 it’s crazy that he is 10 pounds lighter than Chewy it’s hard to believe. Bowie has a skin infection on top of allergies…

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A few days ago I had what I thought was just a follow-up appointment to discuss how a new medication was working for my bladder issues. After being called back they put me in a room to have a transvaginal ultrasound done. I didn’t recall needing to have this done but I wasn’t necessarily opposed to it because of my history of ovarian cysts. So… got the ultrasound done and then put in another room…

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