
Can’t sleep

I can’t sleep. I’m actually scared to go to sleep. I took Chewy to get an ultrasound today. They think he has cancer. The report comes back as early as tomorrow. I pray to the Lord above that it’s not. To hear that word again I literally had a flashback from the last time my momma was told she had cancer again. I literally had that same feelings. Chewy synced to me. He follows me…

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Children…and all that comes with it.

Originally posted 2015-01-12 21:38:53. Raising children can be one of the harder things parents have to do in their lives. As we all know there isn’t that perfect manual for us to guide us through the challenges that parenting presents. For me, since I have a “normal” one and a special needs one I had to throw out any previous ideas I had on how to do things. Not dramatically different but in a lot…

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Its a new year and what will it bring

Originally posted 2015-01-07 00:57:18. Well its now 2015, Yay! What that means, who knows. Will it be a good year for us and so many more, one could hope so. To start off the new year a very close family friend’s husband of 28 years passed away. He had been suffering from ALS. He passed on January 2, 2015. His wife is such an overwhelmingly loving person who we were honored to connect with back…

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Chewy still having issues. He is being extremely picky where his food is concerned. I cooked him some beef liver and he was eating it at first. Then yesterday I took a poop sample to the doc office for them to check out. I told them he still wasn’t eating. They gave me more nausea meds for himbas well as some food that is designed for dogs that they need to get food in them.…

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The plot thickens

Originally posted 2014-12-12 21:36:07. Today I have really been on the edge and just really anxious. Why really not sure why. Been trying to handle all the above with seemingly none of the below. From the VA to the SSA it’s all been a fight to the finish line. Not to mention the insurance premium program that I applied to months upon months ago. Until recently I had seemed to just be talking to the…

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Killing time

Originally posted 2019-07-22 19:00:34. With it being so hot we found something for Dusty to do to stay busy. Plus an added benefit working on fine motor skills.Did you know there are lota of ways to work on their motor skills outside of a doctor’s office setting? I guess this beats him sitting here just watching the ice machine.

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How can I?

Originally posted 2019-07-19 19:59:13. It’s been a little over a year since my momma’s passing. I haven’t been back to my momma’s house since. I have kept this in and I need to let it out. It is literally killing me. My life is spent living it day by day, minute by minute. Living my life one breath at a time waiting for the next big thing. First my bio father, then my mom. But…I…

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Blame me, shame me

Originally posted 2014-11-17 20:07:23. We recently had the 72 hour EEG done on Dusty to investigate further just how many seizures he is having, or at least to get a better understanding of some of his random movements. We have wondered for a while now if some of those random movements Dusty makes were muscle spasms or actual seizure activity. We got an answer to some of that this past week. The results of the…

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Saved by the Crown

Originally posted 2020-10-19 08:04:58. The day of my daughter’s baby shower was a new one for me. New that it’s obviously our first grandbaby and new that I attended a function with their biological sperm donating father. He was there, yes. My daughter I believe was curious about them and I can’t say I blame her but she will slowly but surely find out how he is. I almost didn’t attend it. My husband, my…

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