
The beginning of the toxic relationship

Originally posted 2014-03-18 20:58:28. It was 1992, I was working at Pizza Hut as a waitress and living with a couple who took me in. I met her after committing myself to a mental hospital after being raped by an ex-boyfriends uncle who I thought I could trust. He kept me locked up in the bedroom for weeks. I would try to escape and he would come find me. I tried to tell my boyfriend…

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Finding treasures

Originally posted 2018-12-13 10:00:27. We have been preparing for the contractors to come in and start repairing the damage from hurricane florence. Moving things around so that they can get where they need to get to. Dusty’s room is one of the main rooms. They have to replace interior and exterior walls in there as well as the window. I ran across this little notebook of his. I started going through it and find this…

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An invitation to our lives

Originally posted 2014-03-18 17:34:02.   So here it is. The start, the beginning. Although I am a bit unsure how to do this so bear with me. I have been told on several occasions that I ought to ”write a book” about our lives. I am not beyond sharing our story I just don’t want the ”wrong” attention. You have people who are always going to be the skeptic, the non-believer, the supporter, etc…well I…

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Here’s what’s next

Originally posted 2019-11-19 19:40:50. Went to the neurosurgeon yesterday morning. For one the radiology facility didn’t make sure they put all films on the disc, ughh. The PA even said they normally do not have to specify to put all films on a disc but I guess someone decided to do it their own way, who knows. I just have to get the other films on disc and give them to him next appointment. Get…

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A little piece of mind in a world full of what if’s

Originally posted 2017-02-09 16:50:48. If you have read all my posts you may recall when I mentioned something about Dusty and him almost getting on an ice cream truck. Kayla kept him from listening to the guy that was trying to get him on the truck.  As a parent things like this terrifies the hell out of me. Well, you would think anyone would worry about someone kidnapping a child, even more if it’s a…

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Some Awesome kids took on the Mannequin Challenge

Originally posted 2016-12-07 10:39:49.       I this!!   Exceptional Educators is a group of professionals committed to educating the mind, body and soul. We support the needs of the whole child through therapy and educational services provided in a one on one and group setting. We offer a range of services including: • Play therapy •EMDR •Counseling •Tutoring •Afterschool Camps •Summer Camps •Workshops We specialize in students with: • ADHD • Anxiety Disorders • Autism Spectrum…

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“In A Different Key’

Originally posted 2022-12-12 09:00:00. Autism ‘crash course’ offered in engaging new film, ‘In a Different Key’: ‘Changing hearts and minds’ "a true story of love, autism and the fight to belong…"It's the PBS premiere of the movie based on our book, IN A DIFFERENT KEY. December 13, 9/8c on PBS. — John Donvan (@JohnDonvan) November 30, 2022 Donald Tripplet was the first diagnosed case of autism in 1943. One filmmaker’s decision to meet…

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Sunday Afternoon

Originally posted 2021-03-22 17:33:25. Yesterday we went out to find my nephew’s birthday present. We met up with my daughter who also brought my grandbaby. We got there and we needed to use the bathroom. Since it was several of us we took turns. For some reason this bathroom had a limited amount of stalls. You would have thought they would have had more than that but maybe it is a covid-19 thing. The men’s…

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How Do I Grieve? – Grayson, Gold Star Son & Brother

Originally posted 2022-12-09 10:45:36. Trigger Warning if you may need it. This is shared with permission. Grayson, the son of a friend of mine who is a Gold Star mom. Her son, Marine Cpl Philip D. McGeath was killed in action 1/18/12. Grayson is speaking on the loss of his brother. Grayson’s words mean more than he knows. I had to share. Grayson, I would without a doubt believe your brother is proud of you…

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Time for another one

Originally posted 2022-11-22 09:16:00. All I want to do is just UGHHHHHHHHHHHH Ever get that feeling? Where you just want to scream STOP!! Like WTF!! Yeah… well that is how I feel right now. Yesterday, when I took Dusty to his neurology appointment we were told time to replace the batteries in his VNS device. Yes, I know… it is just a simple little surgery to change the batteries. Let me explain why I just…

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