

I tried some dry needling today. We don’t know how much and what exactly it will help, but it’s worth a try. He put needles in my leg and in the bottom of my foot. The one that went in my foot was definitely felt lol. The others weren’t really bothersome at all. I keep having issues with the front of my ankle. I have quite a bit of scar tissue in there, so I’m…

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Is this vengeance?

Yesterday’s physical therapy was a little tougher than other sessions. More specific… they had me picking up little pegs with my feet/ toes and putting them in a pan. That was alot f’n harder than I thought it would be. I had done marbles with my feet but this… this was on a whole other level. I asked the therapist about the numbness that’s still there. He mentioned that when some of it comes back…

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It’s Back Again

Originally posted 2019-10-25 11:00:14. I had to go see a new neurosurgeon. They needed new MRI, CAT, Xrays, and all the work. Done most of that. I started physical therapy yesterday. Funny thing is she is the same physical therapist my husband had for his knee. So working with her was easy. Now that I have had the new films I am eager to see the surgeon to know whether or not they will be…

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Scar Tissue

Originally posted 2020-11-16 09:00:17. Since I haven’t been able to get an appointment with my favorite massage therapist since the beginning of 2020 I had to find something to help. I won this Wonder Maxi massage gun in one of Adoption First Animal Rescue’s fundraising raffles. I started working on areas that never seem to get enough time. My midsection, my stomach. I have had so many surgeries and alot of them have been in my…

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Wait, I’m not prepared

Originally posted 2018-02-16 21:23:51. My husband started his physical therapy this week. It is for the shoulder injury he sustained while he was deployed several years ago. While the therapist was doing his consult he mentioned dry needling. I have heard of it but wasn’t really sure what it entailed. Surprisingly my husband agreed to try it. – he’s such a baby when it comes to stuff like this, lol. It’s funny considering all the shots they…

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More than a pain in the butt

Originally posted 2017-09-29 18:27:12. Starting next week I have several months worth of physical therapy for both pelvic floor and my ankle. I had a steroid injection in my ankle just two days ago. Let me tell ya, that hurt! He used numbing medication but it still hurt. I cried all the way home. He had to put it near one of the screws and tendons. The arthritis has gotten really thick in there so…

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Needing some info

Originally posted 2017-09-13 14:30:01. Has anyone had pelvic floor physical therapy? Know anyone that has had it? Can anyone tell me a little more about it? I can look it up on the internet all I want but hearing someone else’s point of view would give me a better understanding. I have never of it before my doctor’s appointment on Monday with a uro-gynecologist. Since I’ve had a hysterectomy well things inside “dropped” ~ it…

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Other day another holler

Originally posted 2022-04-21 13:39:22. This is an update to my Monday post painful evaluation. It’s Thursday afternoon at 1:11pm. I’m sitting in my recliner with an ice block unevenly situated on my cervical spine best way I know how. I have been feeling semi miserable since Monday and it just seems as if the guy irritated the shit out of something in there and it’s not getting any better. It sucks because I felt no…

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Painful evaluation

Originally posted 2022-04-18 22:36:34. I finally had the evaluation for physical therapy for my neck today. I get there and the lady gave me the questionnaire to fill out and it also had the sheet to fill out to show where you hurt. You know “circle where it hurts, draw a line where it hurts.” Except this was for low back pain 🤦🏼‍♀️. I had to remind her this was for cervical radiculopathy. She had…

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