
Study: Memories of music cannot be lost to Alzheimer’s and dementia

Originally posted 2020-12-14 08:30:28. The part of your brain responsible for ASMR catalogs music, and appears to be a stronghold against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some music inspires you to move your feet, some inspires you to get out there and change the world. In any case, and to move hurriedly on to the point of this article, it’s fair to say that music moves people in special ways.  If you’re especially into a piece of…

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Tell me why…

Originally posted 2022-01-05 11:27:16. On the preoperative call yesterday with surgery center nurse. She was going through the normal questions they ask for surgery preop. Stroke/mini-strokes came up. I told her I have had 9 mini-strokes and 1 stroke. She started asking me who my cardiologist was. I told her I didn’t remember as I hadn’t seen one in years. I told her where and when my last mini-stroke and stroke was. She asked me…

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Still Waiting…

Originally posted 2021-12-16 13:25:26. My last post spoke about me being told I needed to have a fusion asap. After the MRI and nerve conduction study I went back to the the orthopedist for a follow up. Well… he left me so confused. He didn’t see the fusion as urgent anymore and then said I needed a carpal tunnel release surgery. I left there so freaking confused. I immediately contacted my pain management docs expressing…

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NAD for Neuro- Regeneration

Originally posted 2021-09-10 09:00:00. I recently got a B12 injection at a local medspa. In the check-in process I spoke with a provider via videochat. He asked me why I was interested in getting a B12 injection. I told him I have had 9 mini-strokes and 1 stroke. I have suffered memory loss as well as frustration when I do simple tasks (at times). I have read in my research that when someone is in…

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Late reaction

Originally posted 2020-02-06 08:00:00. Yeah, this could have turned out so different lol. I get up yesterday morning like any other morning. The exception, the dogs groomer would be here in a few minutes. I go outside to move my car and pull it behind my truck. The groomers mobile vehicle isn’t a small vehicle so I wanted to give her the room in the driveway. Since my husband didn’t get home from work until…

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Here’s what’s next

Originally posted 2019-11-19 19:40:50. Went to the neurosurgeon yesterday morning. For one the radiology facility didn’t make sure they put all films on the disc, ughh. The PA even said they normally do not have to specify to put all films on a disc but I guess someone decided to do it their own way, who knows. I just have to get the other films on disc and give them to him next appointment. Get…

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You funny doc

Originally posted 2021-03-24 09:23:59. I go to my follow-up doctors appointment yesterday. This was to get results of a bunch of tests that were run to see if I had a blood disorder that may explain why I keep having mini-strokes. I had my ninth mini-stroke in February. So, the doctor proceeds with the appointment and tells me all my tests came back negative. YAY right?! Which I’m glad because had I tested positive for…

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