
Mother’s Day

Originally posted 2021-05-09 10:25:54. Mother’s Day will never be the same. I miss her something terrible. I don’t go a day without thinking of her. She brought me in this world and saved my life countless times. I love her and miss her immensely. Happy Mother’s Day to here and those who left this world prematurely. Have a wonderful day.

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What do you think?

Originally posted 2021-03-16 09:00:00. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Carter Family (@jadkmcdc_carterfamily) So, what do you think? Do you think my grandbaby looks like her momma? My daughter surprised me on my birthday with a visit from her and my grandbaby! I was so excited I took pictures as she already had the baby back in the car, lol. Oh well… at least we spent time together!

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Originally posted 2019-10-16 07:00:26. I am speaking to parents of special needs children/adults. To the parents who are with their kids and pretty much your life revolves around their care. To the parents who often wonder what will happen when the day comes and you pass on. Since my momma’s passing, my bio father’s passing and well my brother too I have been thinking about it much more. My daughter has her life. What if…

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Not just a title

Originally posted 2022-10-11 10:54:58. Over the past 5 days we had our grandbabies. I was so overjoyed to get them! I can’t believe I am a grandparent, grandmother, grandma, whatever you want to call me. But I have one problem with that title. I don’t feel like I should be called a grandmother. You see my momma was a grandma, who my daughter called grams. My momma was such a wonder grandmother. You seen some…

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Her first in heaven

Originally posted 2018-10-19 15:00:08. My momma’s first birthday in heaven is tomorrow, October 20th. She would have been 69 years young. Oh God how I miss her so. I know this gets easier over time but I wish that time was now. My husband has been trying so hard to keep me from falling into a deeper hole that I have been steadily crawling into. I just miss her so much. Just simply talking to…

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Happy Heavenly Birthday Momma and CJ

Originally posted 2020-10-20 08:00:00. My nephew CJ’s birthday was October 17th and my momma’s is October 20th. They may be gone in the physical sense but never forgotten. It’s barely been 10 months since CJ’s passing and almost 2 and a half years for since my momma passed away. It is hard “celebrating” their birthday when they aren’t here. I know my momma would want us to celebrate and have fun, drink a beer and…

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In my thoughts

Originally posted 2019-07-04 09:06:45. You know I have been thinking alot more since the passing of my mother, June 21 2018. I miss her so much. My son, Dusty, talks about her ALOT. It is hard to hear him talk about her. I mean it is good thoughts but it is painful to hear. With me trying to heal and deal with life without her… it feels like scab being ripped from your skin. One…

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