
There’s always a good side

Originally posted 2015-08-06 02:42:06. No matter what things myself or my family have gone through I have managed to look at things from a different perspective. Now I won’t sit here and say there was something good about getting beat or raped but I will say it has taught me to love myself more than I did, it’s just taken a while to learn from it all. The traumatic experiences we may go through harden…

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Musical Memory

Originally posted 2022-06-17 08:00:00. I used to love 90s R & B music like Jodeci, but now I can’t listen to them, at all, and it sucks. You see when their album Forever My Lady came out I was with my kids bio/sperm donor, the abuser. We listened to alot of music and that album was one that was played, a lot. With so much of that time of my life tied to these songs…

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Mindful exhaustion

Originally posted 2015-04-23 19:25:56. For some reason today I feel more exhausted than I have been in past times when I have been bombarded by so many things at once. Maybe it’s just because I have been put in a situation I was never prepared to handle. But when are we ever prepared to have to make decisions like this for our parents? Especially the one parent that was never really a “parent” to you.…

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Anybody Seen The Calgon? It was supposed to take me away

Originally posted 2015-04-09 19:08:02. Boy oh boy has this past several weeks has been interesting. Got a headache and still have my music drowning me. The music isn’t seeming to bother my headache so I won’t bother it. You know the song by Lindsay Lohan “Confessions of a Broken Heart” ? Parts of me can feel the hurt in that song towards my biological father. Other times I hear those words in my own head.…

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Aging With Grace Is A Blessing Not Always A Requirement

Originally posted 2015-03-15 15:31:49. Another year older and some would say another year wiser but hey we can’t all be perfect. 😉 I have been MIA the past 4 weeks. It has been a very trying time considering my 21-year-old son has decided to take on actions of younger children to teens. Since my daughter has been away in college he hasn’t seen much of her. He was so used to having her by his…

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Side Effects

Originally posted 2015-01-22 17:09:08. Side Effects. The two words can have a lot of meanings to everyone. They take own different meanings depending on the subject. There are side effects of medications, abuse, rape, discipline, so on and so forth. Let’s face it …everything has a side effect. The side effects I am referring to in this post are those most common when we hear the term side effects. With the exception of side effects…

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Husband, Father, Marine, Veteran

Originally posted 2014-11-06 20:46:55. Today, November 6 is my husbands birthday. He is not used to necessarily celebrating it because of the way they grew up they didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc. He turns 33 years old. Yes, I guess that technically means I am a “cougar” since I have almost 9 years on him. But I am ok with that. He has been a great provider and father to my children. He earned the…

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Is that blood? False alarm.

Originally posted 2019-07-18 18:07:51. What happens when you drink 10 oz of Magnesium Citrate? I’m glad you asked… 12:05 pm: It’s time. You shotgun a 10 oz bottle like it’s a lukewarm PBR and you don’t want to be a pussy in front of your older brother’s friends. It’s suppose to be grape flavored but it’s becoming quite clear that whoever led the R&D team that day has never actually tasted anything grape in their…

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Life is precious

Originally posted 2019-06-01 06:17:25. My son… silly that he looks like he works out but he only works fork to mouth. You can see the vagal nerve stimulator in his chest to aid with his intractable seizure disorder – I never thought I’d see him reach 25 years old. He’s had meningitis and with his immune system the way it is they weren’t sure if he’d be able to fight it. My momma was there…

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Chronic Living

Originally posted 2022-02-24 09:00:45. Living with someone with Chronic Pain/Illness. Everyday is a struggle. You have to sit back and witness the person you love in pain, often with no solution, no answers, and no end in sight. It’s never ending doctor’s appointments. It’s watching them lose everything, including their hobbies, their happiness, and their joy. It’s waking up in pain, not knowing if it’s going to ease or get worse. It’s having to get…

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