
What is menopause?

Throughout a woman’s life, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are responsible for reproductive health and for supporting many of the tissues throughout the body. These hormones are produced in the ovary, when stimulated by the brain to do so. As a woman ages, the ovaries stop producing sex hormones at the same rate. This can happen as early as in the late 30s or early 40s, and women may start to notice symptoms as…

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Sunday’s Confession

Originally posted 2020-11-29 09:34:18. It hurts to visit my grandbaby. It hurts to see her, hear her when my daughter calls me via video. I had previously planned to visit yesterday but my heart had other plans. My momma should’ve been here. I know they say she’s here in spirit but it’s not the same. All I can do is think of my momma when we see her. There are still days when I want…

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Struggling with confessions

Originally posted 2018-09-25 08:36:21. Since my momma’s passing some things have come to my eyes that I may have not seen before. I am truly struggling with these and have honestly only told my husband and my daughter.  I know people deserve their lives the way they choose to live, happy, healthy or destructive. No matter what that is someone’s personal choice.  But I am having a hard time understanding one’s intentions after losing someone…

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Happy Heavenly Birthday Momma and CJ

Originally posted 2020-10-20 08:00:00. My nephew CJ’s birthday was October 17th and my momma’s is October 20th. They may be gone in the physical sense but never forgotten. It’s barely been 10 months since CJ’s passing and almost 2 and a half years for since my momma passed away. It is hard “celebrating” their birthday when they aren’t here. I know my momma would want us to celebrate and have fun, drink a beer and…

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How can I?

Originally posted 2019-07-19 19:59:13. It’s been a little over a year since my momma’s passing. I haven’t been back to my momma’s house since. I have kept this in and I need to let it out. It is literally killing me. My life is spent living it day by day, minute by minute. Living my life one breath at a time waiting for the next big thing. First my bio father, then my mom. But…I…

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I shoulder the pain

Originally posted 2019-07-07 09:05:19. I woke up this morning feeling lost, missing my momma. I know my bio father wasn’t really a father to me but losing him I feel I also lost a part of me as well. Then, to make matters worse…. I lost the man that was my “father”. Not by death… I guess you’d say by choice. My heart hurts because I felt betrayed. I don’t know how to get past…

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In my thoughts

Originally posted 2019-07-04 09:06:45. You know I have been thinking alot more since the passing of my mother, June 21 2018. I miss her so much. My son, Dusty, talks about her ALOT. It is hard to hear him talk about her. I mean it is good thoughts but it is painful to hear. With me trying to heal and deal with life without her… it feels like scab being ripped from your skin. One…

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