
Seeing signs

Originally posted 2015-06-19 13:23:07. I have been reading posts from other domestic violence survivors in support groups. I see myself in so many of the stories I read. The intimidation, manipulation, the “love” the abusers claim they have for their victims. It kills me because as I remember all that I was told and all he claimed I was just so blind and made to believe what he was saying to me was out of…

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Secrets and my fear

Originally posted 2015-01-20 13:16:42. That word can be both negative and positive when it is in our lives. For me it means the struggle of the things I have seen and can’t speak on out of the fear of the parties involved coming after me and my kids. I struggle with it daily. I have this part of me that says I if I say something about the secret I am referring to I…

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Crazy dream

Originally posted 2020-04-07 09:09:44. Well, hello there! Hope you are having a safe Tuesday morning with all this craziness around us. I had a crazy dream last night. In my dream it seemed as if we were still living in Marine Corps base housing and we were out for an evening walk. It wasn’t late but the sun has already gone down. The streets were well lit so it wasn’t exactly dark. It was me,…

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Narrow Escape

Originally posted 2021-08-27 17:30:00. This morning was unlike any morning in recent memory. I get up when Bowie “crows” at the morning sun. It truly seems he thinks he is part rooster because he makes a noise in the morning one might think similar to a rooster crow. Guess he can identify as a rooster but we all know he’s still a dog. I had a Walmart grocery pickup order scheduled and I had planned…

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That was close

Originally posted 2014-10-23 15:51:42. This morning my husband went to get his motorcycle riding gloves to prepare to leave for work. I hear him ask me to come here. I get up and see what he needs. He asks me, “Is that a black widow spider?” I state first off that I thought it was. Then I proceed to get my phone to take a picture and ask a few people if what they thought…

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The Hero Within…

Originally posted 2016-01-12 15:40:42. Someone recently told me I was his hero. I honestly didn’t know what to say to that. I mean I am just Amy…mom to Dusty and Kayla, wife to James. It’s not like I’m kin to the queen of any country or some Nobel prize winner. Of course they are human too. Just because they did something the world knows about or went through something they at the end of the…

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