

Originally posted 2019-10-16 07:00:26. I am speaking to parents of special needs children/adults. To the parents who are with their kids and pretty much your life revolves around their care. To the parents who often wonder what will happen when the day comes and you pass on. Since my momma’s passing, my bio father’s passing and well my brother too I have been thinking about it much more. My daughter has her life. What if…

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My Boy

Originally posted 2020-12-01 11:30:17. My husband sent me a text last night while he was at work. It was just a screenshot image of a song he had listened to. If you are able to listen to it, do it. If you are a step-parent or have a step-parent you will get the song. Needless to say it left me in happy tears.

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Saved by the Crown

Originally posted 2020-10-19 08:04:58. The day of my daughter’s baby shower was a new one for me. New that it’s obviously our first grandbaby and new that I attended a function with their biological sperm donating father. He was there, yes. My daughter I believe was curious about them and I can’t say I blame her but she will slowly but surely find out how he is. I almost didn’t attend it. My husband, my…

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I lost the words

Originally posted 2019-06-21 17:37:19. Do you know how hard it is to grieve with someone around you watching you every second of the day? I know I will miss this one day when he’s gone but I feel like I can’t do what I need to do for me in order to “protect him” Today in 2018 my mother lost her fight. She when down quick but not without fight. Things lay on my mind…

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Which is it?

Well…. my dad passed away at first by a heart attack and now was told it was instead an aneurysm. The death certificate has not be signed off on as of this morning because for whatever reason, all 4 of my step siblings all have to physically be there to sign off on it. Why the eldest one can’t do it by himself I don’t know. Thankfully my aunt (technically step aunt) lives in our…

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Only one I’ve ever known

I lost the only father I have ever known, my children lost the only grandfather (or better known as Pa to them). I am going to say he is now reunited with my mother. I haven’t even come to terms with my mothers passing and now this. I feel hella guilty because I haven’t even been able to return to my mothers house since she passed and now this. I feel left behind. My momma,…

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Originally posted 2020-05-01 06:13:19. If you remember the passing of my nephews, CJ and Tey, you might remember that they were being cremated and placed in custom urns. Welll… not so fast. After repeated calls and inquiries it appears the urns aren’t even available. They original origin of said urns was either India or China. We have been waiting since December and this should not take this long. The family would like to be able…

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