
Damn shame

Originally posted 2019-03-08 14:21:10. It is a damn shame, the amount of money we spent on two Catnapper (brand) supposed to be leather electric recliners. We needed something to ease the pressure on my spine so a recliner was the thing. The price wasn’t that much more for the electric ones so we got them. We have had these chairs a little over 3 years and you see what they are doing. We paid way…

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Hopefully it helps

Originally posted 2021-08-20 09:00:00. I have been having lots of pain, more specifically nerve pain. I have had to take more of my Neurontin because of it. Thing that I absolutely despise about this medication is the side effect of weight gain. I have done trigger point injections to try and get some relief but the latest one didn’t bring much relief. So, now we are going to try an epidural to help. I can’t…

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6 week update

Originally posted 2020-02-28 09:00:00. Had my 6 week back surgery appointment this week. So far it looks like everything is healing like it should be. My nerves that were previously compressed have seemed to start healing. I am unable to tell which nerves were affected versus weren’t affected. Where I stated before that I had started to have numbness on the top of my foot where it previously was more on the bottom. The doctor…

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Late reaction

Originally posted 2020-02-06 08:00:00. Yeah, this could have turned out so different lol. I get up yesterday morning like any other morning. The exception, the dogs groomer would be here in a few minutes. I go outside to move my car and pull it behind my truck. The groomers mobile vehicle isn’t a small vehicle so I wanted to give her the room in the driveway. Since my husband didn’t get home from work until…

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Recovery Time

Originally posted 2020-01-15 09:03:22. This was me yesterday as we were going home. My husband had gone into store to get me some coffee. I needed some, desperately. Surgery was a success. But they found some areas of concern that had “abnormal movement” as was stated by the surgeon to my husband.This will require more surgeries after this one. But first I have to recover from this one. I am trying to rest up today…

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To B**** or Not to B****

Originally posted 2020-01-07 21:33:02. View this post on Instagram Ughh – a week from now I have the first of 2 surgeries in hopes they can fix some issues in my spine. I am starting to get nervous. This will be #surgery number 25 ( or 26 hell I am losing count lol) alot to some, a fraction to others. This surgery will help with my #spinalstenosis and decompress some areas in my spine. I…

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Step 1 of 2

Originally posted 2019-12-18 16:07:11. Went to see the neurosurgeon this morning. My tests results show some instability of the spine on top of a few other issues. Issues that he admitted were complex. First thing we are having to do is do a laminectomy with decompression. Second, at a later date, would be a multi-level spinal fusion. Part of the issue with that would be a single level left in between fusions below and above.…

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Here’s what’s next

Originally posted 2019-11-19 19:40:50. Went to the neurosurgeon yesterday morning. For one the radiology facility didn’t make sure they put all films on the disc, ughh. The PA even said they normally do not have to specify to put all films on a disc but I guess someone decided to do it their own way, who knows. I just have to get the other films on disc and give them to him next appointment. Get…

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