
Seizing Halloween

Originally posted 2014-11-02 00:49:03. On the last day of the EEG testing and it had gone so well…but wait, there is more. So the technician was scheduled to be here around 9am so I wake Dusty up at 8:30am so that he could take his medications and be ready when he got here. He gets up, uses the bathroom, and then goes into the kitchen to get his cup of water to start to take…

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In my thoughts

Originally posted 2019-07-04 09:06:45. You know I have been thinking alot more since the passing of my mother, June 21 2018. I miss her so much. My son, Dusty, talks about her ALOT. It is hard to hear him talk about her. I mean it is good thoughts but it is painful to hear. With me trying to heal and deal with life without her… it feels like scab being ripped from your skin. One…

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June 8 2014

Originally posted 2014-06-08 17:29:26. It is Sunday morning here in the Carter home. Daughter volunteered at a disabled/special needs baseball game on Saturday and well the rest of us were at home. We took the opportunity to literally do nothing. But that also means since nothing was done yesterday it has to be done today. Bad thing is this pale skin Irish girl will have to do some serious covering up when I go outside…

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Stuck in limbo status

Originally posted 2014-06-03 13:47:39. Finally! I have someone going to bat for me. Thank Goodness because this is getting so frustrating. Plus when you get bills for $1900.00 for a hospital visit that resulted in nothing for you it gets even more frustrating. One of them has already gone into collections but what do you do? They call me and say they need a certain amount for it to be a payment arrangement but I…

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A few days ago I had what I thought was just a follow-up appointment to discuss how a new medication was working for my bladder issues. After being called back they put me in a room to have a transvaginal ultrasound done. I didn’t recall needing to have this done but I wasn’t necessarily opposed to it because of my history of ovarian cysts. So… got the ultrasound done and then put in another room…

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TouchPoints for anxiety

Originally posted 2019-06-12 13:00:34. Have you seen or heard of this product before? Someone left a review and stated that their child, who has autism, used it and it was helpful. I am trying to see if Dusty can use it since he has the VNS (vagal nerve stimulator). Experience for yourself why people reached for TouchPoints over 1 million times last year and how less stress leads to better sleep, performance, and improved living.…

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What to say…

Originally posted 2020-08-16 18:39:26. My momma’s death has taken an even bigger toll on Dusty. He would always get at the very least a phone call and a card from my momma and my step father.He hasn’t even gotten a call or anything from my step father since my momma passed June 21, 2018. He just turned 27yrs old. He may be autistic but he has feelings too and they don’t understand why he hasn’t…

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Most Annoying?

Originally posted 2019-06-04 20:28:13. Did ya’ll hear about this? What’s your opinion on it? Mine, depends on the situation but I mean if done as a joke and depending on what other kids may have gotten too. We don’t necessarily shield Dusty from life where he doesn’t experience it like other kids. We wanted him to have a semi-normal childhood. His classmates and schoolmates knew he had special needs and they joked with him but…

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