
From then to now

Originally posted 2015-06-17 18:24:50. My life has been moving so slow it seemed the past week or so. Yet no time for things that needed that extra attention. My husband had slowed to an almost halt and trying to motivate him is beyond frustrating. He has no idea some of the things I say or do are to try to motivate him. He has kind of just gotten into this slump. He comes home talking…

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It’s been a few days since my esophageal scope. That went as… unexpected. The doc found cells in my tract that aren’t normally found in your tract. So… he took three biopsies while he was in there. Thank goodness for what I call the Michael Jackson drug… sad that the drug is widely known as that but it is what it is. Bottom half of my body hurts, now the other orifice is sore too…

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Iced Donut

This surgery seems to start off a bit different. Now… this may be too much info but majority of my netheregions is purple. This is what I have to sit on to be semi comfortable. I didn’t realize I needed to relive having a monthly cycle. 😩 I have cramps without the rest of it. I’m not exactly sure why I have cramps. I mean they moved my bladder I get it but the cramps…

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What is wrong? No explanation from doctors…Please share

Originally posted 2014-05-13 12:51:47. Ok, this is more of a plea for help. It is sort of linked to one of the other posts I made recently. Here is the link to that post… Since I went to the ER the other day something seemed to changed. I am not sure if it is symptom to taking a new medication for pain. I had never tried this one. I know pain medications can make you…

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