Originally posted 2017-01-08 01:20:18.
“Published on Jan 7, 2017This video is meant to serve as a public service announcement to all families that have been stationed at MCRD Parris Island or MCAS Beaufort and lived in the Laurel Bay military housing community. In the last several years, 8 children (that we know of so far) that lived at Laurel Bay have been diagnosed with cancer. Please share this video with the Marine Corps and Navy families you know that have lived there.”
Laurel Bay Military Housing and Kids with Cancer
If your child has been diagnosed with cancer and you were stationed in Beaufort, please contact me at [email protected]
Please forward in order to reach as many families as possible.
Semper Fi
I am so deeply sorry to hear this about your daughter. I am a concerned laurel bay resident right now. Could you tell me what was the address you used to live at on laurel bay? Or at least the street name? We have a confirmed oil box under our house in the addition room and have not got any of the radon test results back from the base that was supposed to be given to us last year according to the bases letter on the random soil vapor testing.