Originally posted 2017-10-13 14:24:52.
Yep, Jimmy John’s pickles and Dunkin Donuts coffee ~ meal of champions. My husband got me something else. The hospital gave me a NO SALT ADDED meal.
Can’t do it.
So, I came home from our day’s doctors , appointments and not 30 minutes later…. had to leave, hazard lights on headed to emergency room. STROKE SYMPTOMS Luckily the ride was uneventful ~ with the exception of buttheads (not exactly my vocabulary going up the road). Thankfully, I didn’t have a full stroke but had my 8th, yes EIGHTH, EIGHT, number 8 ~ mini-stroke, TIA ~ transient ischemic attack ~
So used to using my Tivo at home I took pictures of the movie as I was watching,lol. Can you see the what James here?
These 2 pictures were taken prior to me leaving to go to hospital. My daughter told me to take my blood pressure then was on phone with me entire way to emergency room.
The lady downstairs brought me up a cup in this the next day, thought that was nice of her.
Gotta love those compression stockings. At least I had my own pair of socks to keep my legs and feet warm.
James went to Dunkin to get me coffee and as you can see wanted to make sure I had enough. LOL ( he did make sure I could even have it before he left though.
Dusty’s anxiety was through the roof. I figured he’d crash eventually. He had (that I witnessed with my own eyes) maybe 3 petit-mal seizures but considering the situation it was to be expected.
More information on TIA’s (or mini-strokes can be read on) http://www.strokeassociation.org