
More than a pain in the butt

Originally posted 2017-09-29 18:27:12. Starting next week I have several months worth of physical therapy for both pelvic floor and my ankle. I had a steroid injection in my ankle just two days ago. Let me tell ya, that hurt! He used numbing medication but it still hurt. I cried all the way home. He had to put it near one of the screws and tendons. The arthritis has gotten really thick in there so…

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Needing some info

Originally posted 2017-09-13 14:30:01. Has anyone had pelvic floor physical therapy? Know anyone that has had it? Can anyone tell me a little more about it? I can look it up on the internet all I want but hearing someone else’s point of view would give me a better understanding. I have never of it before my doctor’s appointment on Monday with a uro-gynecologist. Since I’ve had a hysterectomy well things inside “dropped” ~ it…

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Originally posted 2017-07-07 13:53:30. I thought I’d share this with those who may be unaware of what it may feel like to contemplate suicide. You may never know the full extent of someone’s feelings. What It’s Like To Be Suicidal (For People Who’ve Never Felt Like This)  

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Originally posted 2017-07-03 14:02:58. It’s summer time, I have a small garden with many potted container plants and they need tending to on a daily basis. So, along with that comes your body sometimes not wanting to roll out of bed. We are thinking of getting some sort of backyard pool to help me with physical fitness/exercise to put less stress on the body while doing so. The down side is well, Dusty. He can swim.…

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Originally posted 2017-11-28 00:39:00. My husband took this picture of my biological father and I while I was talking to him, letting him know that I was there with him. The morning he passed away Dusty and I were getting ready to make the 2 hour (one-way) trip to see him. I was told he passed at 4:20 in the morning on November 14th 2017. At least he’s able to be with my grandparents and…

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