
You funny doc

Originally posted 2021-03-24 09:23:59. I go to my follow-up doctors appointment yesterday. This was to get results of a bunch of tests that were run to see if I had a blood disorder that may explain why I keep having mini-strokes. I had my ninth mini-stroke in February. So, the doctor proceeds with the appointment and tells me all my tests came back negative. YAY right?! Which I’m glad because had I tested positive for…

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Was it or wasn’t it number 8? Oh well who’s counting.

Originally posted 2015-11-27 15:29:33. You know some days I wish I had magical powers and I was able to solve all or at least most problems like Elizabeth Montgomery on Bewitched BUT then again you wouldn’t be able to learn from situations and gain a different perspective from the experience. We are who we are because of the life we live and the things we’ve gone through. Can you imagine the person you are without…

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Dinner’s on us…..

Originally posted 2017-10-13 14:24:52. Yep, Jimmy John’s pickles and Dunkin Donuts coffee ~ meal of champions. My husband got me something else. The hospital gave me a NO SALT ADDED meal. Can’t do it. So, I came home from our day’s doctors , appointments and not 30 minutes later…. had to leave, hazard lights on headed to emergency room. STROKE SYMPTOMS Luckily the ride was uneventful ~ with the exception of buttheads (not exactly my…

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Driving after a stroke

Originally posted 2018-06-03 00:08:10. If you’ve had a stroke, the thought of driving a car can be both appealing and intimidating. Driving provides a sense of independence and freedom, but safety takes on even greater importance.Here are a few things to consider before you pick up your car keys: Discuss with your healthcare provider whether it’s safe for you to drive and, if so, whether you need to modify your car. Check with your state’s department…

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