
Her Testimony

Originally posted 2015-04-25 01:18:03. This post isn’t about me or anyone in my family. This post is solely for praising her testimony and healing. This is a friend of many years and I just had to share her wonderful news with all of you! LYMPHOMA PATIENT FUNDRAISER (For those of you who have clicked on her fundraiser, I just found out she had deleted it when they docs told her the good news.) PUREROMANCEBYAMYMARIE.COM

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‘Stop frying your skin’: Woman shares harrowing recovery from melanoma

Originally posted 2019-07-31 17:23:45. This is why I am watch my skin exposure outside. I try to limit my time during the certain parts of the days because of the sun’s rays. I wear my long sleeve shirts over my tank tops. For Bethany Greenway, melanoma didn’t appear in the form of an ominous dark spot doctors always warn about. Instead, the Texas mom noticed a subtle change when she was pregnant with her second…

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Can’t sleep

I can’t sleep. I’m actually scared to go to sleep. I took Chewy to get an ultrasound today. They think he has cancer. The report comes back as early as tomorrow. I pray to the Lord above that it’s not. To hear that word again I literally had a flashback from the last time my momma was told she had cancer again. I literally had that same feelings. Chewy synced to me. He follows me…

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How can I?

Originally posted 2019-07-19 19:59:13. It’s been a little over a year since my momma’s passing. I haven’t been back to my momma’s house since. I have kept this in and I need to let it out. It is literally killing me. My life is spent living it day by day, minute by minute. Living my life one breath at a time waiting for the next big thing. First my bio father, then my mom. But…I…

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I shoulder the pain

Originally posted 2019-07-07 09:05:19. I woke up this morning feeling lost, missing my momma. I know my bio father wasn’t really a father to me but losing him I feel I also lost a part of me as well. Then, to make matters worse…. I lost the man that was my “father”. Not by death… I guess you’d say by choice. My heart hurts because I felt betrayed. I don’t know how to get past…

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I’ll admit

Originally posted 2018-08-29 14:18:59. I have been in a slump since my momma passed away. I know I still have alot to be thankful for but I feel like I have lost my will to carry on. Now don’t mistake that for me being suicidal, because I am not. I just don’t have the same – umph – per say to live like I did before. Does that makes sense? I quit… just literally abandoned…

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I lost the words

Originally posted 2019-06-21 17:37:19. Do you know how hard it is to grieve with someone around you watching you every second of the day? I know I will miss this one day when he’s gone but I feel like I can’t do what I need to do for me in order to “protect him” Today in 2018 my mother lost her fight. She when down quick but not without fight. Things lay on my mind…

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Not by the hair on my Shinny Shin Shin ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Originally posted 2019-06-17 19:45:39. I had my dermatologic surgery set for the 25th but they called and it’s been pushed up and on for tomorrow morning (June 18th) first thing! It’s to remove a cyst in my left leg/shin (yes IN my shin). It’s hard to describe. I am hoping I can get some pictures if the doc allows it. This is outpatient and not under general anesthesia. I guess this is kind of like…

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A few days ago I had what I thought was just a follow-up appointment to discuss how a new medication was working for my bladder issues. After being called back they put me in a room to have a transvaginal ultrasound done. I didn’t recall needing to have this done but I wasn’t necessarily opposed to it because of my history of ovarian cysts. So… got the ultrasound done and then put in another room…

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Life is precious

Originally posted 2019-06-01 06:17:25. My son… silly that he looks like he works out but he only works fork to mouth. You can see the vagal nerve stimulator in his chest to aid with his intractable seizure disorder – I never thought I’d see him reach 25 years old. He’s had meningitis and with his immune system the way it is they weren’t sure if he’d be able to fight it. My momma was there…

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