
Head Space

Hey y’all…
Hope everyone had a deserving Christmas.

The past 6 months have been kicking my ass.
I’m in a different head space and trying to find my way back.

Ever since Chewy passed, then my ankle replacement, I have just been trying to glide.

I have been seeing more wrinkles and more gray hair all the while I don’t feel the wrinkles and gray on the inside.
I started using more face products to hopefully counter the wrinkles.

I know some things just can’t be stopped, but by the grace of chemically induced serums and lotions, I am adding some speed bumps to my face.

My hair, on the other hand, will get hit with a few bottles of something when I get to it.
My bff may be involved in the process 🤣

I mean, she does have the expertise in that department.

But in the meantime, I can’t stop time, or does anyone know how to get in touch with Marty McFly?

I know he has connections 😉

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