Originally posted 2021-04-04 09:00:56.
Go figure…. I couldn’t sleep.
I had a bad dream last night. I think the incident with my son recently triggered something.
My dream … what I remember is us going somewhere out to eat or having fun somewhere.
You know how it is when you have a dream but can’t exactly remember all parts just bits and pieces.
Anyway, while everyone was inside I go outside for some reason and as I’m getting to the edge of the building this guy pops around the corner.
I start backing up.
He’s still coming at me.
I look over to my left and there’s a security guard standing there and I ask him isn’t he going to help? He just looks at me laughing and nodding his head no.
The guy grabbed me and I remember I kept trying to choke the guy. Choking him in hopes he would let go of me. The security guard is still standing there laughing at me.
Then… I woke up…
I tossed amd turned for what seemed forever then finally just got up.