
Study: Memories of music cannot be lost to Alzheimer’s and dementia

Originally posted 2020-12-14 08:30:28. The part of your brain responsible for ASMR catalogs music, and appears to be a stronghold against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Some music inspires you to move your feet, some inspires you to get out there and change the world. In any case, and to move hurriedly on to the point of this article, it’s fair to say that music moves people in special ways.  If you’re especially into a piece of…

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Musical Memory

Originally posted 2022-06-17 08:00:00. I used to love 90s R & B music like Jodeci, but now I can’t listen to them, at all, and it sucks. You see when their album Forever My Lady came out I was with my kids bio/sperm donor, the abuser. We listened to alot of music and that album was one that was played, a lot. With so much of that time of my life tied to these songs…

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Echo Clock

Originally posted 2019-07-16 19:56:48. We all know I have memory issues… I mean there are times it seems I have to remind myself to pee, lolol Wonder if this would be helpful for those of us that have memory issues or maybe for kids like Dusty. Echo Wall Clock helps you stay organized and on time. Easy-to-read analog clock shows the time of day. Digital 60 LED display shows one, or multiple, timers set through…

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Three things

Originally posted 2021-12-29 10:19:35. I am the type of person that would like you to tell me the truth, no matter what. I would respect you more for telling me the truth than not. I know some folks think if it is bad don’t tell me but wouldn’t you rather know? As I have gotten older there are some things I admit to not wanting to know the truth because the pain I will feel…

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Originally posted 2017-06-28 10:58:14. I was watching an old episode of the TV series MASH this morning and Alan Alda’s character was main focus.  They thought he had come down with something and they were trying to investigate just what it could be.  Alan’s character kept sneezing and itching. They gave him Benadryl and had him pretty much on bed rest. Since his character was a doctor they went through the belongings of service members…

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Touch Note

Originally posted 2019-01-04 10:00:56. So my momma’s 90 yr old step-mom said she didn’t have any photos of my momma to look at. She may or may not. I am not sure but I was trying to find a way to send her some pictures of momma for her to enjoy. My momma spent alot of time with her in momma’s last years. She would go to her house 2 to 3 times a week.…

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Originally posted 2014-04-15 18:59:26. Flashbacks, in one word can bring you to your knees. Over the years I have been affected by three house fires. The first was November 1994, 34 degrees and it was raining. The day and time are not as vivid in my mind anymore. This was the one was while I was still with the biological father and his family. The power had been out for several weeks at that point and…

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Early morning

Originally posted 2021-04-04 09:00:56. Go figure…. I couldn’t sleep. I had a bad dream last night. I think the incident with my son recently triggered something. My dream … what I remember is us going somewhere out to eat or having fun somewhere. You know how it is when you have a dream but can’t exactly remember all parts just bits and pieces. Anyway, while everyone was inside I go outside for some reason and…

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