
Head Space

Hey y’all…Hope everyone had a deserving Christmas. The past 6 months have been kicking my ass.I’m in a different head space and trying to find my way back. Ever since Chewy passed, then my ankle replacement, I have just been trying to glide. I have been seeing more wrinkles and more gray hair all the while I don’t feel the wrinkles and gray on the inside.I started using more face products to hopefully counter the…

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Rude Awakening

Originally posted 2023-01-12 09:30:37. This morning we were abruptly woken up by the dogs fighting for some reason. Now, Max, our eldest dog is approximately 16 years old. At least that is what we have estimated it at. Our daughter found him in 2007 and they estimated his age at around 6 months then. James and I have been together (as of June of this year) 16 years. So we always go off our anniversary…

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The Traitor?

Originally posted 2014-03-20 13:54:08. The traitor. That’s the label set upon me because I chose to date out of my race. In the eyes of those that oppose of my relationships I am worse than those who I choose to date. Didn’t deserve the breath God gave me. I am ok with that. I realize I can’t please everyone with my actions. My courage is not one for the history books but it belongs in my…

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Suprised blessings

Originally posted 2018-12-20 11:47:42. As you know Chewy had to have surgery and I started the GoFundMe for the surgery. Well let me tell you what happened. We go the day of surgery and get ready to pay at least $1200, I hand the lady my card and then she gives it back to me. She informed James and I that someone had donated $2,000 on his account. I started balling my eyes out and…

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Originally posted 2018-12-19 14:26:11. The other day I posted a screenshot of a song that I ran across and have had kind of like an addiction to it. This is it. Be Here Now–Ray LaMontagne from Scott Wright on Vimeo. I am not sure why I feel such a connection to it. Maybe it is the title of the song and my momma’s passing. Maybe I want her back so bad I just don’t know.…

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Some of the early years

Originally posted 2014-03-19 15:24:53. Listening to the not-so-good advice of my biological father I put my son up for adoption when I had him. On the 3rd day at the hospital I went one way and watched as he went with the foster care/social services worker. I cried thinking at the same time it would be the best thing for him. He was placed in a foster home. His name was “Alex” while in foster…

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Originally posted 2018-12-19 11:52:11. Being a caregiver can be tiring and stressful, making self-care especially important. There are four condensed sessions that will help you learn a set of portable and spiritually based skills that can assist you in managing negative thoughts and feelings. Using a mantram can help you manage life’s daily hassles and live in the present. These meditation based tools for emotional regulation are easy to implement in a busy routine and…

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Reminding Myself

Originally posted 2021-04-16 09:00:00. I saw this meme this morning and it was so right! Over the years I was searching for love. It seemed I was so desperate to find love I was taking whatever came my way. I would “love” them (or pretend to) way more than they ever deserved from me. I didn’t love them, I loved the idea of what I thought was love. I wanted so much to be loved…

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I tried some dry needling today. We don’t know how much and what exactly it will help, but it’s worth a try. He put needles in my leg and in the bottom of my foot. The one that went in my foot was definitely felt lol. The others weren’t really bothersome at all. I keep having issues with the front of my ankle. I have quite a bit of scar tissue in there, so I’m…

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