
Tired for a reason?

Why the hell am I ALWAYS TIRED! Like seriously… I wake up tired… I am consistently tired throughout the day no matter what I do. Now, I did go get some blood work done and my iron storing ability is zilch… like almost non existent. So for now I am taking iron supplements but have to watch it because since I take pain meds the risk off over constipation is there. I say “over” because…

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The Iron-e

Life isn’t fun without something always shaking it up LOL. I have been so tired lately and we couldn’t figure out why exactly. I kind of chalked it up to menopause. Supplements after supplements nothing seemed to work. Well I had gone to my primary doc for some bloodwork. My doc and I had both forgotten why exactly we started this but she went back and looked and saw I had dizziness and unexplained nose…

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Originally posted 2021-09-18 09:00:22. The past month has been a bunch of repeats. Over and over I go. It’s been my husband, myself, my son, my best friend and the dogs. Each of us has had at least one appointment. To tell you the truth it has been more than just one. From my laser hair removal to massage therapy. To pain management to ear, nose, and throat specialist. Then our normal primary doctor’s appointments.…

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Have you ever?

Originally posted 2018-06-01 13:58:52. So, I somehow screw up my days. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist for my diabetes. I thought it was this morning. It normally takes my about an hour and 15 or so minutes to get there. Well this morning my appointment was at 8:30am. I had to give myself extra time to get there because I had to go through morning traffic – which included traffic going onto 3…

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