

We have been trying to find the right hand soap for our son for the longest now. We have tried the Dial pump hand soap, which he used extremely fast. Then we tried some of the other of brand ones which he just didn’t get his hands clean. One we tried from Sam’s Club was the Safeguard pump hand soap. It wasn’t bad it just seems to get used up quicker. So we are trying…

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Fav foods…

Originally posted 2019-02-06 08:24:03. This kid of mine ❤’s his burritos. Anyone else’s autistic child or autistic adult have a massive love for burritos? He got a California burrito – my husband says because he saw it had french fries in the description. His main menu consists of hot dogs, burritos, more hot dogs more burritos… I mean he does eat other foods but for the most part that is what he asks for. Maybe…

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Another day of parenting

Originally posted 2014-10-14 19:30:12. One of my biggest struggles with my son is his ability to understand that even though he is 21 years old he doesn’t have the mind of a 21 year old. He thinks because he is 21 he should be able to do as he pleases. He is able to see others like his sister who is able to do things that he isn’t. It is a constant struggle with him…

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Autism and what it is in my home

Originally posted 2014-09-05 15:12:24. I recently watched the movie Rainman with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. I believe this was the first of its kind to show autism on this platform. It showed just how many people even those in the medical field were not aware of it and how much we didn’t know. As I watched it I say so many similarities in Dustin Hoffman’s character, who had autism. Even though it is now…

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Why Routine Is So Important to Many Autistic People

Originally posted 2019-01-28 07:33:10. Routine in my house is a must. There are days when I want something other than the same old routine. I want to get up on a whim and just ride to the water or somewhere other than behind these walls…. Maintaining a healthy routine can be an essential aspect of daily living if you’re on the autistic spectrum. It can lead to stability and make life more bearable, but also…

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Not again

Being my next surgery is May 31st I just need a little break. Now Saoirse needs to try and rest the “good” back leg since that leg takes the brunt of her weight in the back. Now we have been questioning whether we should have went ahead and had that bad leg amputated in the beginning. Is she going to be one of those dogs you see running over people’s feet with their wheelchair? They…

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Burned In

I started my Friday like any other day. I looked for something to watch, or play in the background as I did my work on my computer. I listen and watch the tv but never really get into what is playing because I am working and my main focus in on my computer. I found something to watch, it was called “Evil Lives Here, Shadows of Death”. I found it on the Discovery channel/app. As…

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Stress, instability…what’s next?

Originally posted 2014-07-18 01:42:05. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since my surgery, Dusty’s grand-mal seizure and the stress of it all. My mother ended up having almost one hundred staples throughout her little body. But now it’s time to heal. We have been to the doctor for Dusty’s seizure. Like I said before he has seizures but for him to have a grand-mal seizure…well that is few and far between. We did find…

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