
Ultrasound treatment for Epilepsy

Originally posted 2019-01-31 09:10:18. In a first-in-world clinical trial, researchers at The Ohio State University College of Medicine are studying how well focused ultrasound surgery works in adults with a specific type of epilepsy whose seizures are not controlled by medication. Up to 10 adults with the “medically refractory lobe focal onset” type of epilepsy will be enrolled in this study. The technique uses magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound through an intact skull to reach tissue deep in the brain…

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Just how many seizures is he having, we’ll find out.

Originally posted 2014-10-28 21:19:24. You live with someone who has seizures you are always on the look out for the next one. In Dusty’s case we never know if he is sitting there having one don’t realize know it. We have been trying to figure out just how many seizures he is having so that the doctors can try to better control them. It’s a constant battle. I love my child but there are plenty…

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Another day of parenting

Originally posted 2014-10-14 19:30:12. One of my biggest struggles with my son is his ability to understand that even though he is 21 years old he doesn’t have the mind of a 21 year old. He thinks because he is 21 he should be able to do as he pleases. He is able to see others like his sister who is able to do things that he isn’t. It is a constant struggle with him…

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Originally posted 2014-07-23 18:00:12. I have only been addicted to one thing in my life (other than my husband), cigarettes. After the last time I was raped in 98′ or 99 (I forget what year it was) someone gave me a cigarette and that was it from there. I had started smoking. Growing up I was always the one against smoking. Always trying to get others around me to stop, especially my mother. I needed…

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Stress, instability…what’s next?

Originally posted 2014-07-18 01:42:05. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since my surgery, Dusty’s grand-mal seizure and the stress of it all. My mother ended up having almost one hundred staples throughout her little body. But now it’s time to heal. We have been to the doctor for Dusty’s seizure. Like I said before he has seizures but for him to have a grand-mal seizure…well that is few and far between. We did find…

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July 7th 2014

Originally posted 2014-07-07 18:33:37. You know there are days when I just want to give it all up and others that I can’t get enough. The life I was given I sure has its meanings. I just for once would like not to struggle…just once. I realize there are so many people who have been dealt a bad hand and others don’t even use their own. Some that think mommy and daddy are they forever…

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And I can’t ask Why me?

Originally posted 2014-06-30 01:51:25. You know that age old saying, don’t ask why me? Well at least that is what I believed …that was something you just didn’t do. Even if you went through a crap ton of stuff you just didn’t ask why me. I don’t know about you but sometimes I sit back in my head (somewhere in that mass of echoing space that I call my mind) and still wonder why it…

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There is a reason we are here, just not sure yet why.

Originally posted 2014-05-01 16:47:33. Have you ever wondered why you go through certain things in your life? Why you may suffer from events, diseases, or whatever you have gone through? Yeah, me too. As I have reached my fourth decade of life I look back and take accountability of the things that have gotten me here. I look at the things both of my children have had to go through being biracial, to the illnesses,…

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Wireless pacemaker

Originally posted 2019-01-07 10:00:35. In order to find new and better ways to treat neurological diseases, scientists have created a wireless ‘pacemaker for the brain’ that monitors brain’s activity and stimulates electric currents simultaneously. Researchers at University of California, Berkeley, have created a device called WAND that works like a ‘pacemaker for the brain’, as they call it. The device works similar to a heart pacemaker, monitoring brain’s electrical activity and stimulating electric current in…

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