
Off my chest

Originally posted 2020-02-22 09:00:51. I need to get something off my chest. If you have read my blog from the beginning you know I have dealt with domestic violence. Well… without going into too much detail because I do not want to bring unnecessary drama to the situation… I just need advise, suggestions. For so long I kept my children away from their bio father and family. As my daughter got older and moved out…

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Originally posted 2017-06-28 10:58:14. I was watching an old episode of the TV series MASH this morning and Alan Alda’s character was main focus.  They thought he had come down with something and they were trying to investigate just what it could be.  Alan’s character kept sneezing and itching. They gave him Benadryl and had him pretty much on bed rest. Since his character was a doctor they went through the belongings of service members…

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What is Cryotherapy

Originally posted 2019-02-06 14:00:18. Looking like something fresh out of an ’80s sci-fi flick, cryotherapy is the latest craze to hit the mainstream. Used by athletes and celebrities looking for their next holistic fix, the high tech treatment is said to be more than just a gimmick. According to its regular users, freezing yourself for several minutes can aid muscle regeneration, boost your immune system and rejuvenate your skin. But what exactly is it? And…

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September 23 2014

Originally posted 2014-09-23 16:35:20.   The military community has lost several veterans recently. My heart goes out to the families involved. The reality of PTSD and its effects on our military is ever more present in our everyday lives. My husband even changed after coming home from deployment. He won’t admit to it at all. After being screwed out of his career, trying to find a job, keep insurance for our family and keep our…

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Burned In

I started my Friday like any other day. I looked for something to watch, or play in the background as I did my work on my computer. I listen and watch the tv but never really get into what is playing because I am working and my main focus in on my computer. I found something to watch, it was called “Evil Lives Here, Shadows of Death”. I found it on the Discovery channel/app. As…

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Originally posted 2020-01-30 09:00:29. I can to relate to this right now. With so many things that have changed in a little time I want to remember the good times but when I do I feel like I am messing with the healing process. I know life goes on. Hell … I am haven’t even gone back to my mothers house since she passed away. I can’t. How do you get past certain things? It…

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