
Stuck in limbo status

Originally posted 2014-06-03 13:47:39. Finally! I have someone going to bat for me. Thank Goodness because this is getting so frustrating. Plus when you get bills for $1900.00 for a hospital visit that resulted in nothing for you it gets even more frustrating. One of them has already gone into collections but what do you do? They call me and say they need a certain amount for it to be a payment arrangement but I…

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School Year Sanity

Originally posted 2020-07-10 10:54:07. With the upcoming school year being undetermined for some and determined for others you will need to keep your sanity prepared!Do it with a multitude of things not just beer thirty, lol My recommendations, 1 Now & Zen Roll-On / Meditative Essential Oil – Find your inner zen no matter where life takes you. This peaceful essential oil blend mixes gentle lavender and marjoram with warm, lush ho wood and vanilla.…

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Conversations Part 1

Originally posted 2019-03-14 11:09:14. This was a “conversation” between my son and I this morning. This is just one example of how autism is in our home. Dusty – “It’s almost the 15th.” Me – “What’s the 15th?” Dusty – “therapy appointment at 11:30” Me – “oh” Dusty – “if I go to bed early and eat burritos for dinner…” Me – “Dusty go eat your cereal” This Kid. ‍♀️ 15 Classes for $15 –…

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Starts at home

Parents, Grandparents, Guardians…School is starting and I want to ask you a favor… Sit down with your child for 5 minutes and explain that there is no reason to make fun of someone for being tall, short, chubby, skinny, black, white or hispanic, Autistic, etc. There’s nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes 👞👟 every day. Explain to them that a used backpack 🎒 carries the same dreams as a new one. Please teach them…

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Off my chest

Originally posted 2020-02-22 09:00:51. I need to get something off my chest. If you have read my blog from the beginning you know I have dealt with domestic violence. Well… without going into too much detail because I do not want to bring unnecessary drama to the situation… I just need advise, suggestions. For so long I kept my children away from their bio father and family. As my daughter got older and moved out…

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Another day of parenting

Originally posted 2014-10-14 19:30:12. One of my biggest struggles with my son is his ability to understand that even though he is 21 years old he doesn’t have the mind of a 21 year old. He thinks because he is 21 he should be able to do as he pleases. He is able to see others like his sister who is able to do things that he isn’t. It is a constant struggle with him…

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F bomb

Originally posted 2020-02-11 08:00:29. Lol. This is so true, lol. My momma used to tell me that when I was 2 years old I started saying it. I think I heard my bio father saying alot. At least that’s what my best guess is. My momma told me that one day I was getting in or out of the car and hit my head on the door. When I did I said fuck. My momma…

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Stress, instability…what’s next?

Originally posted 2014-07-18 01:42:05. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since my surgery, Dusty’s grand-mal seizure and the stress of it all. My mother ended up having almost one hundred staples throughout her little body. But now it’s time to heal. We have been to the doctor for Dusty’s seizure. Like I said before he has seizures but for him to have a grand-mal seizure…well that is few and far between. We did find…

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