
Mindful exhaustion

Originally posted 2015-04-23 19:25:56. For some reason today I feel more exhausted than I have been in past times when I have been bombarded by so many things at once. Maybe it’s just because I have been put in a situation I was never prepared to handle. But when are we ever prepared to have to make decisions like this for our parents? Especially the one parent that was never really a “parent” to you.…

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Side Effects

Originally posted 2015-01-22 17:09:08. Side Effects. The two words can have a lot of meanings to everyone. They take own different meanings depending on the subject. There are side effects of medications, abuse, rape, discipline, so on and so forth. Let’s face it …everything has a side effect. The side effects I am referring to in this post are those most common when we hear the term side effects. With the exception of side effects…

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The month of blur

Originally posted 2017-12-05 14:09:25. This past month has seriously been a blur. It’s been a little more than a month when I think about it. If you go back to October when I had my mini-stroke so that’s almost 2 months. Geez… Biological father passed away on November 14th. Dusty and I had gotten up early that morning to make the trip to see him when the so-called girlfriend called me to tell me he…

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Originally posted 2020-05-01 06:13:19. If you remember the passing of my nephews, CJ and Tey, you might remember that they were being cremated and placed in custom urns. Welll… not so fast. After repeated calls and inquiries it appears the urns aren’t even available. They original origin of said urns was either India or China. We have been waiting since December and this should not take this long. The family would like to be able…

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Trust me, I get it

Originally posted 2020-04-10 08:00:54. I’ve heard Pure Romance just isn’t my thing. I get it, trust me. I am an approaching 50 year old married southern woman. The mom and caregiver for my 26 year old special needs autistic son. The wife and caregiver of a disabled Marine Corps veteran. I have my faith but not attached to any specific religion but I do believe. I have gone through alot of traumatic experiences as a…

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