
Secrets and my fear

Originally posted 2015-01-20 13:16:42. That word can be both negative and positive when it is in our lives. For me it means the struggle of the things I have seen and can’t speak on out of the fear of the parties involved coming after me and my kids. I struggle with it daily. I have this part of me that says I if I say something about the secret I am referring to I…

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Children…and all that comes with it.

Originally posted 2015-01-12 21:38:53. Raising children can be one of the harder things parents have to do in their lives. As we all know there isn’t that perfect manual for us to guide us through the challenges that parenting presents. For me, since I have a “normal” one and a special needs one I had to throw out any previous ideas I had on how to do things. Not dramatically different but in a lot…

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Its a new year and what will it bring

Originally posted 2015-01-07 00:57:18. Well its now 2015, Yay! What that means, who knows. Will it be a good year for us and so many more, one could hope so. To start off the new year a very close family friend’s husband of 28 years passed away. He had been suffering from ALS. He passed on January 2, 2015. His wife is such an overwhelmingly loving person who we were honored to connect with back…

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Blame me, shame me

Originally posted 2014-11-17 20:07:23. We recently had the 72 hour EEG done on Dusty to investigate further just how many seizures he is having, or at least to get a better understanding of some of his random movements. We have wondered for a while now if some of those random movements Dusty makes were muscle spasms or actual seizure activity. We got an answer to some of that this past week. The results of the…

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Side Effects

Originally posted 2015-01-22 17:09:08. Side Effects. The two words can have a lot of meanings to everyone. They take own different meanings depending on the subject. There are side effects of medications, abuse, rape, discipline, so on and so forth. Let’s face it …everything has a side effect. The side effects I am referring to in this post are those most common when we hear the term side effects. With the exception of side effects…

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Another reason I am thankful this Thanksgiving

Originally posted 2014-11-25 19:50:12. Here it is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving of 2014. I just added another reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving. My husband got into an accident on his way to work yesterday morning. He was on his motorcycle and he was doing the speed limit and where he was I imagine he had to actually decrease his speed for the stop light up ahead of him. The roads were wet as the…

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Husband, Father, Marine, Veteran

Originally posted 2014-11-06 20:46:55. Today, November 6 is my husbands birthday. He is not used to necessarily celebrating it because of the way they grew up they didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas, etc. He turns 33 years old. Yes, I guess that technically means I am a “cougar” since I have almost 9 years on him. But I am ok with that. He has been a great provider and father to my children. He earned the…

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Seizing Halloween

Originally posted 2014-11-02 00:49:03. On the last day of the EEG testing and it had gone so well…but wait, there is more. So the technician was scheduled to be here around 9am so I wake Dusty up at 8:30am so that he could take his medications and be ready when he got here. He gets up, uses the bathroom, and then goes into the kitchen to get his cup of water to start to take…

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Servicemember Civil Relief Act

Originally posted 2017-12-08 07:23:52. This is nothing new but for some this could be the first they’ve seen or heard of it. Know someone who this applies? Feel free to share. Wish we would have known this when we purchased our first SUV while my husband was still active duty. We were paying around 12% on our vehicle loan and knew nothing of this. After finding out I contacted the creditor that held the loan and showed proof of…

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The weirdest thing?

Originally posted 2020-05-28 17:21:57. Ok, so my BFF, Jess, and I were (what we call) running errands. At least that’s what we tell our husband’s 🤣 We went to Lowe’s home improvement store, twice, just two different stores. Then Home Depot. Walmart, twice (2 different stores). Food Lion, grocery store for those who aren’t familiar with them, 2 of them. Let’s not forget Sam’s Club. While in the second Walmart we went to customer service…

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