
The yearning

It’s been 5 years momma since I watched you take your last breathe. Not a day goes by that you don’t cross my mind. I make sure to touch your urn every single day of my life. Watching you leave the earth so unjustly, with the pain of a thousand knives you left without me.So many things left unsaid, not done, that I struggle with. So many memories have dimmed in my mind as I…

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That was close

Originally posted 2014-10-23 15:51:42. This morning my husband went to get his motorcycle riding gloves to prepare to leave for work. I hear him ask me to come here. I get up and see what he needs. He asks me, “Is that a black widow spider?” I state first off that I thought it was. Then I proceed to get my phone to take a picture and ask a few people if what they thought…

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Mother’s Day

Originally posted 2018-05-15 13:47:50. Forgot to share. Not sure when my husband managed to get Dusty to pick one out… but then again he probably just picked one out from Dusty’s point of view. Hope all my mother’s had a good one! Only thing we’d change on this card would be sports, just replacing it with food. Better yet, all 3 would likley be food. Shop Amazon – Introducing Education Supplies for Teachers

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Never Ever…

Originally posted 2019-01-26 11:15:17. I don’t know how many times over the years I have seen people change who they are just to “fit in”. If someone doesn’t like you for who you are then they don’t deserve your friendship, no matter what. You should not have to change who you are just to satisfy someone or to keep someone as your friend. They are wrong for that. They won’t change who they are so…

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July 7th 2014

Originally posted 2014-07-07 18:33:37. You know there are days when I just want to give it all up and others that I can’t get enough. The life I was given I sure has its meanings. I just for once would like not to struggle…just once. I realize there are so many people who have been dealt a bad hand and others don’t even use their own. Some that think mommy and daddy are they forever…

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All Buttered Up

Yesterday was one of those days that you just want it to hurry up and be over. I took Chewy out so many times I ended up with over 10,000 steps being accumulated. I knew he needed to poop but every time I took him out something distracted him and then he seemed to forget he had to poop. Was yesterday a full moon or something? Or was it something in the air that just…

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Eye In The Sky

Originally posted 2019-01-26 01:27:06. I woke up this morning with the song Eye In The Sky by The Alan Parsons Project on repeat in my head. I don’t know if it was my momma trying to tell me something or if it was just a coincidence. Do you ever wake up with songs in your head or out of the blue it pops in your head? Do you wonder why? I know in my heart…

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