
I just can’t

Originally posted 2023-01-19 19:14:18. This morning I woke like any other day, nothing different. My husband gets up and starts getting ready for work like any other day… He was driving our truck to work because I had a doctors appointment today. He goes to start the truck and quiet as a mouse. It wasn’t starting. UGHHHH. But that’s not what this post is about… I get coffee, take some of my morning medications… Dogs…

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Do you remember?

You know I sit here on what seems like 5th day this week, inside, we look out of the window on to a weary damp Friday… I am watching the movie Remember the Titans with Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Ryan Hurst, Ryan Gosling, and Wood Harris (just to name a few). As you know my husband is black, “african american”, or whatever you choose to label him. He just happens to have more melanin than…

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On My Soapbox

Originally posted 2020-07-23 08:42:56. #OnMySoapbox I absolutely refuse to hate someone on their exterior, pigmentation, skin color, etc. I was not raised to hate someone merely because they are darker than I am because let’s face it..those of you that know me know that Amy can’t tan worth anything and I either go from pale to looking like a lobster. All jokes aside, I have seen both sides of the argument. I’ve been hated upon…

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